Unfortunately, although Mrs. Hu at this time regretted changing hostages, Luo Xiwei had successfully escaped. It was too late to regret at this time.

At this moment, Luo Xiwei's heart is filled with emotion. She was out of danger, but park Min Ho was in a more dangerous environment than she had just been.

Park Min Ho's hands and feet were tied and could not move. Looking at Park Min Ho's whole body is so stiff, Luo Xiwei's heart is not taste. Park Min Ho at this time is more dangerous than Luo Xiwei, who was held hostage just now! At that time, Luo Xiwei was still able to move, but park Min Ho was like a zombie in the hands of Mrs. Hu. Let alone trying to escape from Mrs. Hu's hand, he just wanted to move, which was quite difficult.

Luo Xiwei's tears flowed. She looked at Song Junyan and said to him, "Sir, are you not a policeman? Help him, I beg you to help him

Song Junyan looked at Luo Xiwei, who was crying bitterly. He was very moved. But what can he do now? This Mrs. Hu looks like she's crazy. He really can't think of a woman in her fifties who has the courage and strength to hijack others. Does she really know nothing about the law and doesn't know it's against the law? In particular, it is unwise to do so for a little reimbursement of medical expenses. What's more, park Min Ho has already paid for her medical expenses. Why should she be so paranoid?

"Song Mr. Song. " Luo Xiwei said to song Junyan, "isn't she asking for reimbursement from the hospital? You promise her! Yes, and she let go. "

"This I'm not a leader, I can't be the master Song Junyan felt embarrassed.

"Well Then you pretended to promise her to let her go first Said Luo Xiwei.

"It's no use, don't you see? Sister Hu doesn't keep her word at all! Didn't she agree with Park Minho just now that she would let you go as long as she paid for her money? She didn't let it go, either? In my opinion, she either wants more, or... " Song Junyan did not go on. He felt that it was impossible.

"What is it?" Luo Xiwei asked anxiously.

"Or, she has mental illness." Song Junyan said.

Luo Xiwei suddenly felt as if she had been badly hit. She felt a little unacceptable.

Mental illness? If Mrs. Hu is really mentally ill! Oh, my God! She's not guilty of killing people! Luo Xiwei felt a deep panic. She took song Junyan's arm involuntarily and said to him, "Sir song, I beg you to help Min Ho. It's too dangerous for him to be tied up now! If Mrs. Hu really has mental illness, then Min Hao is likely to die! Moreover, Min Hao died for nothing, and no one could be responsible for his death. Mr. Song, you can promise Mrs. Hu to pay for her reimbursement first, and let her release her first! "

"Girl, you think too simple." Song Junyan said, "if she is suffering from mental illness, it is impossible to release people. And if she didn't have mental illness, she couldn't have let people go like this. You think, she's already holding a knife, and she's no longer talking. It's almost impossible for her to let her go on her own initiative. "

"Well What about that? " Luo Xiwei was more anxious.

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