"Why?" Song Zhiheng couldn't wait to ask.

"That..." Luo Xiwei just said that, already regretted. She really hoped that she had not told song Zhiheng that there was another important reason. However, it seems that she is not willing to say it now.

"What's the matter?" Song Zhiheng poured a glass of water to Luo Xiwei very kindly and looked at her very seriously. This made Luo Xiwei feel very secure and felt that he was a trustworthy person.

So Luo Xiwei finally made up her mind and said to song Zhiheng: "I I don't know whether to say it or not. Besides, I don't know if it's just my own opinion. Maybe things are not like what I imagined... " Luo Xiwei hesitated, still thinking about whether to tell song Zhiheng what she saw. Moreover, she did not know how she should tell song Zhiheng.

"Tell me Song Zhiheng looked at Luo Xiwei anxiously and said to Luo Xiwei.

"It is..." Luo Xiwei faltered and said to song Zhiheng, "it is I just saw gold and silver jade on a middle-aged man's Porsche. The middle-aged man is very handsome, and the relationship between Jin Yinyu and that man seems to be very good. After getting on the bus, the man also held gold and silver jade for a while, and then handed her a bag of McDonald's. I hope I hope I think too much. " Said Luo Xiwei in a panic.

"So, Jin Yinyu, it's just two boats?" Song Zhiheng was so angry that he stood up and said angrily, "it's too much! As park Zhihao's new girlfriend, park Zhihao has just been hospitalized. She did not show up from the beginning to the end, nor did she go to the hospital to take care of him. On the contrary, she was so close to others. This woman is really hateful! Park Zhihao It's really a pity that a woman like Jin Yinyu is with him just for the sake of money Song Zhiheng felt indignant.

"Song Zhiheng, didn't you hate Park Zhihao before? You also hit Pu Zhihao... " Luo Xiwei suddenly reminds song Zhiheng, "don't you hate Park Zhihao very much. Do you think he is an irresponsible bad man?"

"Park Zhihao is really an irresponsible bad man." Song Zhiheng said bitterly, "however, while I hate such irresponsible men as park Zhihao, I also hate that kind of irresponsible bad women who hate the poor and love the rich! And Jin Yinyu is that kind of bad woman, so I I can't control my mood for a moment. I'm sorry, but I'm too impulsive

"It's not your fault." Luo Xiwei said to song Zhiheng, "but can we think too much? The man looks about 40 years old, and Jin Yinyu is now 18 years old. The man is probably Jin Yinyu's father. If that's the case, we'll do her wrong. " Luo Xiwei suddenly said.

"It's not impossible." Song Zhiheng said to Luo Xiwei, "however, judging from jinyinyu's attitude towards Park Zhihao, she has had the experience of choosing uncle, and her boyfriend is unconscious. She has never been to the hospital to take care of him, and she has occupied the property of Park Zhihao here. Judging from these performances, the man you see is more likely to be her new boyfriend than her father."

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