"Are you looking for me?" Strangely, Jin Yinyu did not ask song Zhiheng how he came in, but whether he was looking for her, which made song Zhiheng feel more embarrassed.

"I..." Song Zhiheng hesitated to look at the gold and silver jade, thinking of various excuses in his mind for a moment. His eyes suddenly brightened and said to Jin Yinyu, "that Aren't you with a middle-aged uncle? Where's uncle? " Song Zhiheng looked around, but still did not find the shadow of the middle-aged uncle.

"Uncle?" With a smile, Jin Yinyu said to song Zhiheng, "what are you looking for uncle for? You don't know him. "

"I don't know I don't know... " Song Zhiheng faltered to Jin Yinyu and said, "what if you don't know? Shouldn't you be with uncle? You two are not supposed to be at this moment... " Song Zhiheng can't say any more. After all, jinyinyu is a girl, and she is such a young girl that song Zhiheng can't bear to tell Jin Yinyu about the topics that men would like to discuss. He only knew that as long as luoxiwei understood what he wanted to say to her, there was no need to describe all the details.

"What are you doing?" Jin Yinyu pretends not to understand. However, in fact, she had expected that song Zhiheng would peep outside the villa. As early as she was followed by song Zhiheng, when Jin Yinyu took out the mirror to make up her makeup before entering the villa door, she had already seen song Zhiheng and Luo Xiwei behind her through the make-up mirror. At that time, jinyinyu was not sure that song Zhiheng and Luo Xiwei were following her. When she entered the villa door, she squinted at Song Zhiheng not far behind her, which made her feel certain that song Zhiheng was following her.

Then, when jinyinyu entered the villa, the first thing she did was to quickly close all the curtains downstairs. Regardless of other people's objection, she resolutely closed all the windows, and refused to let in any wind. And when the hot pot was lifted on the table, the curtain of the kitchen window facing the dining table was pulled out by Jin Yinyu. Then she left, pretending to be very casual.

Jin Yinyu is sitting right across the window. Every time when the hot pot was steaming, she would take the opportunity to squint to see if there was a shadow in front of the opposite window. Although there are some bright shadows in the villa, you can feel the shadow of the villa. But when she went to close the curtain of this window later, she lay quietly on the window and listened for a long time. Until she heard the voice of song Zhiheng's speech, she left with great conviction.

As a result, jinyinyu's brain began to roll, and she began to look for opportunities to tease song Zhiheng. She immediately thought of a particularly good method, even turn on the switch of the sweeping robot, let it aimlessly crawl between the tables and chairs. As expected, the desks and chairs at home made a sound of collision with the robot. Under the influence of the curtain and the strong noise, song Zhiheng did not think it was impossible for jinyinyu. However, gold, silver and jade never thought that song Zhiheng ran into the villa quietly!

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