Looking at uncle a pair of fierce eyes, song Zhiheng scared legs are almost soft. He was shocked. Why did Uncle appear behind him quietly? And he appeared behind him. Why didn't jinyinyu remind him, but as if she didn't see it, she couldn't see any different expression on his face or remind him of his actions? Song Zhiheng was puzzled.

However, looking at the gold, silver and jade which are happy like flowers at this moment, song Zhiheng seems to suddenly understand that the gold and silver jade is actually intentional, she is to frighten him or embarrass him!

"Who are you?" The uncle frowned. Obviously, the uncle was in a bad mood. However, looking at the stranger from the sky, the uncle with high EQ didn't get angry, but he knew how to find the root of the problem.

Song Zhiheng looked at his uncle with some shudder, tried to calm down his mood, summoned up courage, and said to uncle, "I am song Zhiheng."

"Song Zhiheng, song Zhiheng..." The name was whispered in the uncle's mouth, and his brow suddenly frowned again. Then, he turned to jinyinyu and said to jinyinyu, "it seems that you have heard this name somewhere. Silver jade, who is song Zhiheng

"Oh, he is an n-number male in" provoking the gods by mistake ". He was originally a little actor of the 18th line. Then he became popular because of his affair with Cheng Xuehui Jin Yinyu introduced everything. In one sentence, he summarized how song Zhiheng became popular, which made song Zhiheng feel embarrassed. However, this is a reality that has to be admitted. Therefore, song Zhiheng is just embarrassed, but not angry. At this moment, he is even doubting whether his major is too poor, so that no one can remember his play, and everywhere he goes, someone remembers his affair with Cheng Xuehui.

"Oh, I see." The uncle looked at the gold and silver jade and said to her, "but how could he appear here? Do you know each other? "

"Well." Jin Yinyu nodded. "He is my friend."

Hearing this, song Zhiheng's heart gradually relaxed. At least, this time, he will not be caught as a thief, right?

"Why don't you tell me when you bring a friend?" "I thought it was just the two of us tonight. If I knew you had friends coming, I would have prepared more dinner. By the way, song Song Zhiheng Right? Have you had dinner yet

"Yes, yes." Song Zhiheng repeatedly thanks, "that Don't be so polite, uncle. I'll just drop in and I'll leave in a moment. Don't be so polite. What should you do? I'll have a chat with jinyinyu... " Song Zhiheng hesitated. He didn't think that the uncle was so approachable that he was still worried about whether he had eaten. It seems that uncle is far from as bad as he thought.

"It's not my fault..." The smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and her expression seemed to become serious. She looked at the uncle seriously and said to him, "that Really don't blame me! I didn't invite him here. He climbed the water pipe from the ground floor to the upper floor and then walked down from the second floor. It's none of my business! Besides, I have never told the address here. I don't know how he knew it. Maybe Maybe he followed me... " Gold and silver jade said mischievously.

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