"Silver jade, what's the matter with you?" This time, the uncle saw the gold and silver jade with so much blood on his body, and he was flustered. He quickly picked up the key and said to song Zhiheng, "let's go to the hospital!"

Just as soon as he opened the door, he was startled by Luo Xiwei, who came down from the sky and appeared at the gate. Although he was puzzled, the uncle didn't pay attention to the strange Luo Xiwei. His thoughts were all on the injured jinyinyu. He just wanted to send jinyinyu to the hospital early, hoping to cure her injury quickly.

Song Zhiheng remembers that Luo Xiwei said that jinyinyu got on a Porsche at noon. Well, the Porsche at the door must be uncle's. Therefore, song Zhiheng ran in the direction of Porsche without saying a word.

"What happened?" Luo Xiwei felt confused. She looked at uncle and song Zhiheng so flustered, looking at the gold and silver jade which song Zhiheng held in his hand. She could not help feeling nervous. "I'll go too!" she murmured in her heart So he followed Uncle's Porsche.

Uncle was so nervous all the way that he didn't even notice the existence of Luo Xiwei. All his thoughts were on the wounded gold and silver jade. He kept thinking in his heart that nothing could happen, nothing could happen He was in a bad mood, especially at this time point, the nearby Jiangchuan hospital could have arrived in ten minutes, but the red light was constantly on the road at the moment! This makes uncle feel more anxious!

At the first red light intersection, uncle ran the red light without hesitation. At the next several crossroads, uncle still chose to run the red light without hesitation! Song Zhiheng was shocked! He really didn't expect that the uncle seemed to be playing with gold, silver and jade, but at the critical moment, the uncle was so man to the gold and silver jade!

This is the man of men! Song Zhiheng thought. Compared with PU Zhihao, jinyinyu's ex boyfriend, although song Zhiheng doesn't know what Pu Zhihao is to jinyinyu, he really can't imagine how good park Zhihao would be to jinyinyu, or even whether he would be so anxious and sacrifice himself when jinyinyu needed to go to the hospital for emergency treatment. At least, song Zhiheng saw it in uncle!

No wonder, even if uncle has a family, Jin Yinyu also chooses to follow him! On weekdays, uncle's care for gold, silver and jade can be seen. Even in his heart, song Zhiheng did not reprimand jinyinyu or uncle. He even suspected that uncle and jinyinyu were true love. They should be together at all! If the uncle had not already had a wife and a daughter, song Zhiheng thought that maybe he would have wished that the gold, silver and jade would have left Pu Zhihao's scum earlier and stay with him!

Along the way, song Zhiheng thought a lot in his head. Holding the gold and silver jade covered with blood, looking at such a weak gold and silver jade, song Zhiheng really wanted to rescue her immediately. Looking at jinyinyu's painful expression, her frown, and her miserable appearance, song Zhiheng's heart suddenly became soft, and he began to take pity on the young girl. He tightly held the hand of gold and silver jade and said to her, "don't be afraid. We'll be in the hospital soon. You'll be OK."

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