"Uncle, calm down." Luo Xiwei advised in one side, "this is the hospital."

However, the uncle didn't seem to take luoxiwei seriously. He didn't even look at luoxiwei. He didn't notice her existence at all. He didn't find out how she came here. What's more, he didn't find that she came with her in the back seat of her car. He thought that Luo Xiwei was just a person who was trying to fight in the hospital.

"I care if you are a hospital or something!" "Doctor! Where's the doctor! Without doctors, what about your leaders? Call me, the biggest leader in the emergency room. I'd like to ask, how does such a large Jiangchuan hospital work? With so few doctors, are they all dead? "

"Will you be quiet, sir? This is the hospital. The patients need rest. " One of the older nurses came up and said to the uncle, "I'm the head nurse in the emergency room. If you have any problems, you can tell me."

"Didn't I just say that? Where the hell are your doctors? I was shouting at the door for five seconds before the doctor came. You doctors, especially those in the emergency room, don't know that the patient is at a critical moment of life and death. Do you not know that even one second may bring a different fate to the patient? "

"I'm sorry, sir." The head nurse repeatedly apologized and said, "well, sir, you can sit here for a while. I saw that the girl you sent over is now being rescued! Don't be impatient. It's useless for your family members to help you by shouting like this. Maybe you will affect the doctor's attention and make him unable to concentrate. In this way, the treatment of patients will be affected. So, you'd better be quiet. Everything will be waiting for your family members to come out, and then communicate with our doctors according to the patient's condition. Do you think this is OK? At present, what we all need to do is not complain. Our doctors and the patients' families have the same and consistent goal, that is, we should try our best and make joint efforts to give the girl a good treatment. Are you right? You can rest assured that we will try our best to help the wounded and the dead, but we also hope that you can cooperate with our doctors and wholeheartedly consider the health of patients, OK

Uncle had to admit that the nurse was really eloquent. Whether she was talking to him with all her heart or just playing tricks, uncle thought, what she said was reasonable. So, the uncle nodded in silence, intending to sit down and wait for the result. If there is nothing wrong with gold, silver and jade, then everything is easy to discuss. But if Jin Yinyu makes any mistakes because of the delay of a few seconds, then he will definitely find the doctor and the hospital to settle accounts.

However, even if there is nothing wrong with gold, silver and jade, the uncle knows that, as a citizen full of sense of justice, he will definitely report this matter to the president of the hospital, so as to avoid more patients suffering from such waiting pain in the future. If this situation can be improved, it may be able to benefit more patients, perhaps to save a few more lives. In this way, what he has done becomes meaningful.

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