"Sue, if I don't have anything to do with it, nurse." Jin Dingxin doesn't want to have more disputes with Su Xiaoxiao, so he says to Su Xiaoxiao. He didn't want to talk to Su Xiaoxiao any more, which was not good for both of them.

However, when Jin Dingxin took a step forward, Su Xiaoxiao immediately rushed out of Room 408 and blocked in front of Jin Dingxin. "Boss Kim, you are not allowed to go," she said in a loud voice

"Shh!" Jin Dingxin gently put his index finger on his mouth and said to Su Xiaoxiao, "be quiet. At this point, many people have already fallen asleep. Don't wake others up and affect others' rest."

"Boss Jin, I don't think you are worried that it will affect other people's rest, but that if I tell the truth, it will affect your reputation." Su Xiaoxiao with a little threatening tone said to Jin Dingxin.

"Su Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about?" Jin Dingxin was a little upset. He said to Su Xiaoxiao, "can you stop making trouble? What's the point of that? "

"Jin Dingxin, it's you who have been playing with me all the time!" Su Xiaoxiao said directly to Jin, "you said clearly that you would come to me with red wine and roses, and bring me a very romantic evening. But you're leaving now... "

"Su Xiaoxiao." Jin Dingxin looked at Su Xiaoxiao impatiently and said, "I promised you something, didn't I do it? I sent you red wine and roses. Isn't that romantic? All the things are delivered, then I can go. "

"What do you mean, boss Kim?" Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Dingxin, and some of them said with reluctance, "will you leave after the delivery? Do you think you are a courier? I just need these two things, and then I'll have fun alone? Jin Dingxin, you are pretending

"Just think I'm pretending!" "If you want to see me as a courier, then I'll be a courier. Do you think it's not romantic enough to drink red wine and enjoy roses alone? If you don't think it's romantic enough, I can call all the waiters here and arrange them in a line. You can choose one or several of them. You can drink red wine and enjoy roses with whoever you want. I'll pay the waiter the salary. "

"Jin Ding Xin, you!" Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Dingxin with hatred and said, "Jin Dingxin, what do you think of me? Am I the kind of person who casually chats and drinks with the waiter? "

"Sorry, nurse Sue." Jin Dingxin said to Su Xiaoxiao, "in your words, it seems that you are discriminating against the waiter. I really don't know how the waiter annoyed you, and you would look down on you like this? "

"I just Su Xiaoxiao hesitated and said, "I just adore entrepreneurs like you too much, so I said such words in a hurry. I mean, these waiters are no match for entrepreneurs like you. I like entrepreneurs like you, not waiters who are thousands of miles away from you. "

Jin Dingxin and meaningful smile: "thank you so much." He glanced at Su Xiaoxiao and said, "but when I was young, I was also a waiter."

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