At last.

Song Zhiheng put Luo Xiwei on the sofa and helped her with a pair of very thick and soft slippers. He put the shoes at her feet and said, "put them on! You sit down for a while. I'll help you with the hot water, and I'll call you when the hot water is ready

"No more." Luo Xiwei said quickly. She felt a little embarrassed. When he lived with Park Min Ho before, he took good care of her. At this moment, the more careful song Zhiheng takes care of her, the easier it is for her to think of Park minhao, and the more depressed she is. She quickly stood up and said to song Zhiheng, "I'd better come by myself."

"It doesn't matter." Song Zhiheng smiles happily and says to Luo Xiwei, "don't be embarrassed. Your feet are inconvenient. I should do all these things. We are friends, so we should help each other. "

"I I'll do it myself! " Luo Xiwei was stubborn and tried to do it by himself, but he was stopped by song Zhiheng. Just when Luo Xiwei wanted to stand up, song Zhiheng held her down, making her unable to stand up at all.

Song Zhiheng said: "since your feet are so tired, you should have a good rest! If you don't want to continue to trouble me to carry you tomorrow, you should listen to me today, let me go to drain water and have a good rest. I have a good rest tonight. It's me who will be relaxed tomorrow. So I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself

Luo Xiwei feels more and more that song Zhiheng talks more and more like Pu minhao. Luo Xiwei couldn't tell whether it was because of excessive missing or whether song Zhiheng was more and more like park minhao. It's just that song Zhiheng's humor is really about to catch up with Park minhao.

Luo Xiwei took this opportunity to look at the room carefully again. Suddenly, when Luo Xiwei's eyes saw the window, she could not help turning blue. She was frightened by the flashing red light on the opposite side.

The curtains were not drawn.

Luo Xiwei's face was livid with fright! She suddenly felt inexplicably afraid of the red light on the opposite side! She suddenly remembered the series of scandals that had happened in park Min Ho's house due to the absence of curtains, as well as the troubles these rumors brought to her. Luo Xiwei was afraid when she thought about it. At that time, she was not a star. She was a very ordinary girl and a little white-collar worker. At that time, she could be troubled by those scandals. Now she has become a little famous. If the media really photographed her and song Zhiheng alone in a space, what would they say? What do people comment on? Luo Xiwei dare not think!

Song Zhiwei, a little frightened by song Zhixi Her eyes kept looking at that direction and said to song Zhiheng, "what do you see over there? Can someone be taking pictures? "

Song Zhiheng rushed to Luo Xiwei's side and looked at the small red light in the building opposite. The little red eyes flashed very frequently. Song Zhiheng knew that the camera opposite was shooting at a fixed time! As soon as his face changed, he said to Luo Xiwei, "the situation is not good! Luo Xiwei, you take a bath at home now. I'll go and have a look at it. You stay at home and don't go out. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!