"Don't be like this, lothia." Song Zhiheng comforted, "it's my fault. But please don't quit the entertainment industry, OK? Otherwise, I will feel that I have delayed your good career in the entertainment industry

"It's not for you." Luo Xiwei said to song Zhiheng, "you don't need to feel guilty. It's my own decision. Even if there is no today's event, there will be other rumors with others, and then exposed to the major media. I've thought that to completely avoid these things, you have to quit the entertainment industry. Otherwise... "

"You don't have to be so extreme." Song Zhiheng said, "didn't I have an affair with Cheng Xuehui before? But Do you think Cheng Xuehui is still living well in the entertainment industry? Although someone will scold her on the Internet, it is just that some losers are looking for vent. In real life, does anyone really dare to scold her like this? Don't they all rush to take photos with her and ask for her signature? Luo Xiwei, in fact, stars are not as difficult to mix as you think. You think too much. "

"What you scold on the Internet is usually what other people really think." Luo Xiwei said very quietly and lightly, "in reality, they dare not scold. That's because they disguise themselves with a dignified appearance. In fact, what they think in their hearts is often the ones they scold on the Internet. " Then she said to song Zhixi.

Song Zhiheng was shocked! What Luo Xiwei said was reasonable. Isn't that the case? Only the most real ideas in people's hearts will be scolded on the Internet. In the real world, most people choose to disguise themselves, in order not to offend people, but to be a good man in disguise.

However, Luo Xiwei's withdrawal from the entertainment industry is not too expensive? She just made a play, oh no, or, to be exact, no one, and now she's going to quit the entertainment industry. She should have a bright future and become a star even more popular than Cheng Xuehui. But why is she so stubborn? But perhaps, for Luo Xiwei, song Zhiheng thinks that this is the wisest choice she thinks. Everyone has his own ambition. Song Zhiheng enjoys every moment when he is a star. Even if there is negative news or gossip, song Zhiheng does not take them too seriously. Maybe it's because he is a man, especially this kind of affair with a female star is absolutely harmless to him, so he doesn't worry too much. Song Zhiheng thinks that Luo Xiwei is going to quit the entertainment circle just because of these, which is a big loss.

"You're right." Song Zhiheng slowly said to Luo Xiwei. However, he still didn't want to give up a good comrade in arms like Luo Xiwei. He also looked forward to cooperating with such a talented actor next time. Therefore, he said to Luo Xiwei, "or You think about it? After all, the star job can bring you huge income and fame

Luo Xiwei shook her head decisively: "I have already thought about it. It's better to come out as soon as possible rather than live in such a panic every day. I prefer quiet days to those in the eyes of the public. I hope I can live in my own world

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