"Who is that girl?" Hearing song Zhiheng faltering on the phone, Mu Xiaoyang seems more excited. She became more and more curious about the name of the lucky girl. Listening to song Zhiheng's indecision and seemingly trying to protect the girl, she was more and more envious of the girl. Then, she seems to suddenly become a little anxious, asked, "who is it, who is it?" She is like a repeater, the beautiful voice is full of song Zhiheng's whole soul.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to say it yet." Song Zhiheng finally decided not to disclose the secret in his heart. He hoped that one day he could catch up with Cheng Xuehui, give her happiness, give her a perfect love, and give her a perfect marriage. At that time, he would happily announce their good news to everyone and share his happiness and happiness with everyone, instead of announcing that he and he had become a big success now that he had nothing Purple between her that temporarily eight characters have not a skim relationship.

"This..." Mu Xiaoyang seems more embarrassed than song Zhiheng. What does "don't want to say" mean? How short is this? Is it in just a few seconds, or a few days, or longer? Mu Xiaoyang obviously did not understand. So, she continued to break the casserole to ask the end of the spirit, said to song Zhiheng, "but, who is that girl?"

"I've already said it. I don't want to say it for the time being." Song Zhiheng was finally asked to feel a little bored, so his attitude towards Mu Xiaoyang finally became more indifferent.

"All right." Mu Xiaoyang felt a little depressed, "that Song male god, if you don't say it, it means that between you and Luo Xiwei There are indeed infinite possibilities. After all, although you all say that you like each other in your heart, it is very likely that the people you say you like each other are you Mu Xiaoyang finally used the method of encouragement and said to song Zhiheng.

"Whatever you want." Song Zhiheng was a little infuriated, and he felt very unhappy. Although Mu Xiaoyang called him male god, although he was happy at the beginning, he was tired of hearing such words for a long time as he was a popular little fresh meat in the entertainment industry. In addition, Mu Xiaoyang was so difficult that song Zhiheng felt angry. What he needs is that he has been speculating in stocks for a long time. What he needs more is understanding. But this mu Xiaoyang, obviously only cares about her own personal preferences and emotions, and completely ignores his personal mood as a male god. Therefore, for such a reporter, even if the other party is a beautiful woman, no matter how much he likes him, he feels helpless. Therefore, song Zhiheng had no choice but to smile and said to Mu Xiaoyang, "if you don't have any other problems, I'll hang up." In Song Zhiheng's heart, he will never betray his favorite woman -- Cheng Xuehui. He would rather suffer himself than let Cheng Xuehui suffer a little pain. He also deeply understood that they had been fed up with the life without privacy in the entertainment industry, and Cheng Xuehui, as a popular star, was even more so. Therefore, in any case, song Zhiheng will not let reporters disturb her, let her in the forefront of entertainment. What's more, she is still pregnant and living in the hospital. What she needs is a good rest and rest.

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