After su Xiaoxiao fully recovered, she finally became an intern nurse in the hospital. Although her daily job is still to follow Jin Taizhu to do chores for her, she has got a formal "title" and is an intern nurse, but before that, she could not even talk about it.

After the internship, Su Xiaoxiao bought a plane ticket with the money he had saved, which was only enough to buy a return ticket. Because of her experience as a nurse intern in Korea, Su Xiaoxiao successfully found a job as a nurse in Jiangchuan hospital.

However, young and beautiful, she is always easy to be liked by men, who always like to lure her with money. At the beginning, Su Xiaoxiao was strongly disgusted with these things. She only longed for beautiful love. Later, because of her beauty and understanding, one of her patients, a 20-year-old boy, a handsome college student in the third year of Medical University, fell in love with her and launched a fierce pursuit for her. Su Xiaoxiao, who had a strong desire for love and had never really tasted the taste of love, could not resist such a fierce pursuit. Rose and chocolate, endless gentleness and infinite sincerity, finally made Su Xiaoxiao fall into this tender honey net. From then on, Su Xiaoxiao lived a life of love first. The boy's kindness to her is not easy to use a "good" word to describe. Su Xiaoxiao felt very deeply that there is no one better than him to treat himself better in the world. Although the boy is not a rich man, he can always live a comfortable life without money. He can give Su Xiaoxiao a sweet sense of happiness and make her feel that she is the happiest girl in the world. And when she was completely immersed in this never experienced happiness, Su Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help it. Although the boy loved her so much, he never wanted to touch her, but she knew that it was because he had been quietly tolerating, not because he didn't want to. And the reason why the boy is willing to endure for her is because he loves her too much in his heart. He wants to wait until the day when he marries her and when she puts on her wedding dress, then he can enjoy the intimacy and perfection of two people from zero distance.

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to see the boy endure for her, so he finally reserved a room in Jiangchuan Hotel on the boy's birthday.

The boy wondered why Su Xiaoxiao wanted to be so. Su Xiaoxiao told him that she hoped he would not think about it. She just wanted to find a place with beautiful environment to celebrate his birthday for him and give him an unforgettable birthday.

The boy no longer said anything more, just for his girlfriend so attached to him and feel heartfelt happy. The two of them celebrated until late at night. Near 12 o'clock, the boy said to Su Xiaoxiao, "so late, let me take you home!

Su Xiaoxiao refused. She shook her head and said, this room is a thousand yuan a day. She doesn't want to waste such a good house. She wants to live here.

The boy looked at Su Xiaoxiao, who liked the appearance of the room so much, he agreed to her. Then, when Su Xiaoxiao was lying in bed after taking a bath, the boy quietly lay down on the sofa.

Su Xiaoxiao can't help but ask the boy, don't you really want to sleep in another place? , the fastest update of the webnovel!