Seeing Cheng Xuehui smile, song Zhiheng also smiles happily. He seems to have forgotten to open the door for Cheng Xuehui and forget everything else.

"What are you laughing at? Will you give me the key now? " Cheng Xuehui said, "why do you want me to come back with song Xueheng?"

"How do you know I have the key?" Song Zhiheng was stunned. Then he put his hand into his pocket and took it out quickly. He handed Cheng Xuehui the key he had just held in his pocket and handed it to Cheng Xuehui, "you You know it all? "

"What do you know?" Cheng Xuehui said casually to song Zhiheng. She was suddenly unfamiliar with the key. However, on second thought, she seemed to have seen both sides of the key. Maybe she was wrong, so she didn't care too much. But when she pointed the key at the lock, she found something wrong. She looked at the key again and said to song Zhiheng, "it's not this key."

"It's this one." Song Zhiheng said to Cheng Xuehui.

"No, I didn't give you the key. I'm sure. " Cheng Hui finally has a key on the small round head, but the one on the head has a triangle.

"You mean the key you gave me?" Song Zhiheng asked.

"Yes Cheng Xuehui looked at Song Zhiheng with a natural look.

"I have given you your key, don't you remember?" Song Zhiheng asked Cheng Xuehui, "I came to your house with Luo Xiwei. I wanted to help you cook. When I went back to the hospital, I gave you the key. "

"Yes! Look at my memory Cheng Xuehui patted her head, "how could I forget it?" As soon as she took out her pocket, the key was still in her pocket. Just, looking at another key in the hand, Cheng Xuehui feels the horror of song Zhiheng in an instant. Her eyes were fixed on Song Zhiheng, as if to ask him what was going on.

"Xuehui..." Song Zhiheng hemmed and hawed, really did not know what to say.

Cheng Xuehui put the key that song Zhiheng just gave her back into song Zhiheng's hand, and said to song Zhiheng, "Song Zhiheng, you have a new key, right?" She looked at Song Zhiheng angrily, and her face turned red. "Song Zhiheng, if you like me, you can pursue me openly. In vain, I thought you were different from others, and you were a gentleman. I really didn't think that you were also a villain, even more mean than others! What's the matter with you secretly matching my key while I'm not paying attention? Are you going to peep, or are you going to plot against me when I'm asleep at night? Or, the last time we filmed, the one that happened in that hotel was that you deliberately went to the wrong room and followed me... " Cheng Xuehui said here, almost some choked, she has been unable to say.

"It's not like that." Song Zhiheng explained, "I never thought about doing something bad for you. I don't have time to protect you. How can I do these things behind my back? Those despicable behaviors you just mentioned are not the performance of a person who loves you, but just the performance of a man who is for his own interests. And I love you , the fastest update of the webnovel!