"Song Zhiheng." Cheng Xuehui looks at Song Zhiheng very seriously, staring at his pupil and calling his name in his mouth.

"Well?" Song Zhiheng is also attentive to look at Cheng Xuehui, head fantasy, she is not a pair of their complacent appearance to be moved.

"You are a lunatic Cheng Xuehui helplessly dropped such a sentence, which made song Zhiheng feel baffled. She took a bored look at Song Zhiheng and said to him, "do you think I will be very moved if you say that? Song Zhiheng, I tell you that I, Cheng Xuehui, have been in the entertainment industry for so many years. I am not a little girl who will be cheated by a few words of men casually. If you really want to chase me, please don't promise to say those words that are beyond belief. Although I also believe that you will be popular one day, but is that one year, ten years or twenty years? Women's youth is too short. I can wait for one year, but I can't wait for you for ten years. So, song Zhiheng, if you really want to impress me, don't say anything else. Let me see your achievements. When one day, you buy a house like noble villa or better than it, or your personal assets reach 10 million, or you have greater achievements than these, then you can pursue me again! Song Zhiheng, I believe in love, but I believe that money is the perfect backing of love. Without money, all love will become a tragedy

"You're right." Song Zhiheng kept nodding. Although Cheng Xuehui's requirements are still a little harsh for him, he believes that Youqing is full of water. However, he can still understand Cheng Xuehui's insecurity as a woman. She needs the material as the strong backing of love, she needs the house and money, she is not wrong, the wrong is that no man gives her a full sense of security, so that she can no longer repose her beautiful love on these external things. Therefore, song Zhiheng vowed in his heart that he would work harder not only in his career, but also in his life. One day, he was convinced that he would move her with his sincerity, so that she would no longer send her love and other things.

Song Zhiheng once heard a female classmate tell him that sometimes it seems that women care about men's money. However, in fact, what women care about is not men's money, but their willingness. Between a man who has ten million dollars but is willing to give a hundred thousand to a woman, and a man who has a million but is willing to give a million to a woman, women tend to prefer the latter. And in the face of men's pursuit, it is easier to succeed in the end, often those men who are always chasing after each other. Therefore, song Zhiheng quietly decided in his heart that no matter what the result was, he would make great efforts to pursue Cheng Xuehui. He would always appear at her side and help her from time to time to become a man who was "dogged and beaten". He does not believe his efforts, really let Cheng Xuehui feel a little bit, he does not believe that he loves her so much, she will be indifferent, he does not believe that his efforts will fail. However, even if it fails, he still has to try. Even if he didn't succeed, he didn't regret it.

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