What makes Cheng Xuehui feel sad is that the image in front of those people at night and the pure and incomparable image in front of the audience during the day is just like a joke. What's more ridiculous is that there are fans who think she is as pure as they think. Every time she stood in the spotlight to receive the prize, when the host read out that she was pure, when the audience expressed their love for her purity and applauded loudly, when she was told the truth by some people that she was not in fact pure and the fans were fighting for it, when she just said that she was innocent, she was really pure and the fans easily When I believe her Every time Cheng Xuehui feels that life is just a joke.

She once loved her first love so ardently, and she was willing to sacrifice herself to fulfill her deep love Li Feifan, but they all gave Cheng Xuehui a fatal blow! She was abandoned by the people she loved deeply, by the people who believed that she would live her whole life. Even, her child was killed by Li Fan, and almost herself was killed by Li Fan But she herself is so humble, her love for them is so humble as a feather, but there is no trace of their love and love for her. However, those fans who have no contact with her but meet on the screen have already reached the point of blind tolerance. Life, is not a dream, more like a joke?

The curtain in the room has been changed, which is also orange. The simple orange stripe makes Cheng Xuehui feel refreshed. Everything is what Cheng Xuehui once described with song Zhiheng. This is what her dream room looks like. She told song Zhiheng that she was so busy in the entertainment industry that she only wanted to have a rest every day when she came home, instead of moving. Sometimes, she is even too lazy to order takeout, so she gradually formed the habit of not having dinner, or just eating a few pieces of bread for dinner. She was so lazy that her weight was always so small. However, as long as there is a box lunch in the evening and she hasn't had dinner for several days in a row, she will gobble it up. Sometimes, she even has to eat two The crew were all amazed at her amount of food, but also for this thin girl can have such a large amount of food and feel amazing! They didn't know that she would have a good dinner only when she was on the set. But at ordinary times, she is very tired and always tucks herself into the quilt as soon as she gets home and has a good sleep

Cheng Xuehui went into the room and had a look. She opened the curtain and found several pots of green and small succulent plants on the windowsill. She looked at them with joy and was very happy. Although she told song Zhiheng that the room she liked was that everything in the house was the color of the ocean, and the curtains should be orange. But she remembers not saying she likes succulent plants. So, maybe this is the surprise song Zhiheng gave himself? However, she carefully recalled that she seemed to have shown a preference for succulent plants in front of song Zhiheng. It was one night after filming, Cheng Xuehui had gone back to the hotel and had a good sleep. When she woke up, her stomach growled with hunger, and there was nothing to eat in her room. So, she had to go to the supermarket outside to buy things. On that day, she happened to be shopping in the supermarket.

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