"Hello? Who is it Cheng Xuehui asked lazily.

"It's me, song Zhiheng." Song Zhiheng said to Cheng Xuehui. Listen to Cheng Xuehui that lazy voice, he seems to feel Cheng Xuehui just wake up from sleep. At the moment, he is regretting, maybe he just disturbed Cheng Xuehui's dream. Maybe, I really shouldn't disturb her. Want to come in such a short time, if there is time to have a sleep, then, there must be no time to read microblog! So, song Zhiheng asked, "Xuehui, what are you doing?"

"Me? I was just sleeping Cheng Xuehui once again yawned lazily and said to song Zhiheng, "what's the matter? I was sleeping soundly, and you woke me up

"Oh, it's OK." Song Zhiheng can't help but say to Cheng Xuehui, "I just want to tell you that just now..."

"Just now?" Cheng Xuehui said with a smile, "I didn't tell you everything just now, have you made it clear?"? We are all adults. Let's forget about the incident just now! Sorry, song Zhiheng. I admit that I did have a little feeling for you at that time. I admit I was impulsive, so I couldn't control myself and did that with you. But, song Zhiheng, I really don't need you to be responsible. What's more, I'm a pregnant woman, I'm pregnant with someone else's child. Song Zhiheng, I really don't want to hurt you, nor do I want to hurt you in the future. So, song Zhiheng, I hope you can be more mature and calm. You can forget all the good or unpleasant things that happened between us, and forget each other in the lake and lake from now on, OK? Love will never happen between us, really. "

Cheng Xuehui finish, before waiting for song Zhiheng to answer, she has hung up the phone.

Although there is a distance between Song Zhiheng and Cheng Xuehui, Luo Xiwei can hear clearly what Cheng Xuehui said to song Zhiheng. It seems that the relationship between Song Zhiheng and Cheng Xuehui is not as simple as she imagined, and song Zhiheng is not just trying to hype with her as Su Xiaoxiao told her. Song Zhiheng is innocent, maybe Cheng Xuehui used song Zhiheng. Therefore, Luo Xiwei's heart for song Zhiheng finally settled down, but had to start to sympathize with him. She looked at Song Zhiheng with a look of pain. She really wanted to comfort him with the most comforting words in the world. It's a pity that she is not so powerful. Therefore, looking at Song Zhiheng staring at the mobile phone in a daze, Luo Xiwei unexpectedly began to produce a trace of pity for him.

"That's fine." Song Zhiheng murmured to himself. Cheng Xuehui's words do not seem to mention microblog hot search, it seems that she does not know this matter. And she has just been sleeping, was awakened by the phone, she is still complaining about being disturbed. Therefore, song Zhiheng thought, I still don't take micro blog hot search this matter to disturb her. Since she doesn't know yet, I wish she would never be troubled by such things. He hoped that she would be able to rest at home in peace of mind, and then leave a fat boy, happy and secure life. Of course, it would be better to be with him for a long time.

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