"It's just, will the police arrest people for this? If we want to arrest people in this way, then the prison is not full of people? "

"Su Xiaoxiao is beautiful and has such a good figure. Mao Xiaofang is so ugly. It must be that Tong Kangjian only cares about Su Xiaoxiao and ignores Mao Xiaofang. In that case It may be that Mao Xiaofang called the police because of this, or maybe Mao Xiaofang had a grudge and hit Su Xiaoxiao, and then Su Xiaoxiao called the police. " The intern said, "what do you think of my inference?"

"The latter sounds reasonable." The companion nodded and said to the intern.

However, all this was heard in the eyes of the bystanders, and people around him immediately speculated about it. Soon, the matter was discussed in Jiangchuan hospital.

When the three returned to the police station, it seemed that only Mao Xiaofang was the most relaxed and happy. She looked at everything in the police station very comfortably and seemed to feel fresh here. She said to Su Xiaoxiao happily, "Xiaoxiao, have you been here before? This is my first visit to the police station. Unexpectedly, it's really spectacular. Have fun Mao Xiaofang said, while jumping excitedly and swimming among them.

Su Xiaoxiao can't help but whiten Mao Xiaofang. Her hands are cold and almost sweating. And that hateful police call Mao Xiaofang, at the moment, even in front of themselves, a very carefree look, which makes Su Xiaoxiao feel particularly sad and angry. She looked at Mao Xiaofang and said to him, "well, have fun alone! Tong Kang Jian and I have no time to play with you. "

Su Xiaoxiao always tied her and Tong Kangjian together, which made Mao Xiaofang's heart grow jealous. However, looking at Su Xiaoxiao and Tong Kangjian's facial expressions were stiff and both of them were nervous, Mao Xiaofang felt that all this was worth it.

Although it's not summer at this time, but the forehead of Tong Kangjian is constantly sweating, he feels particularly afraid. He was afraid that once he entered the police station, he would never go out again. He was afraid that he could only accompany the high wall. He was afraid of everything.

"All right." The tall man took the three men to his office and said to them, "which of you three would say first?"

"What do you say?" Asked Mao Xiaofang.

"Talk about the cause and course of things." Said the tall man.

"Uncle police, you'd better listen to the recording. After listening to the recording, you will know the cause and process of the matter." Mao Xiaofang warned.

"On my way to the police station just now, I have finished listening to the recording." Said the tall man.

"Well You should know what's going on now Mao Xiaofang looked at the tall man in surprise, then suddenly exclaimed, "police uncle, you didn't hear anything just now? Did Tong Kangjian delete the recording when he grabbed the recorder? " I'm afraid Mao Fang is worried about her, if she doesn't have a real purpose.

"There was a recording about ten minutes ago. I have already heard it." Yes, what else does Mao Gao Fang say

"No Mao Xiaofang suddenly said with a smile, "that You should have known exactly what happened. Why should we say it? "

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