"Well, go on. "The tall man listened carefully and recorded with his notes. He took a look at Mao Xiaofang and encouraged her to continue.

"You fixed the recorder and you didn't give it to me! Not only did you not give it to me, but you put it in the dormitory and monitored me! " Su Xiaoxiao said angrily.

The tall man took a look at Su Xiaoxiao and glared at her. Su Xiaoxiao soon understood the meaning of the tall man and stopped talking.

"I'm not listening to you! I didn't mean to! " "Later, the recorder was repaired, but I found that every time I was in the dormitory, Su Xiaoxiao was not in the dormitory, so I had no chance to give her the recorder. However, at noon today, I went to work and found Su Xiaoxiao missing. I thought, I just had nothing on my hands, so I went to the dormitory to see if she was there, so that I could give her the recorder

"What excuse do you make? You are following me! Why do you come to the dormitory at this time? It's going to be off work soon. Can't you give it to me when you come back to the dormitory? " Su Xiaoxiao still did not resist. She always refused to believe what Mao Xiaofang said. She always felt that Mao Xiaofang was just making up some good words, in fact, to cover up her tracking her.

"If I wait until I get off work, I'm afraid you will disappear like yesterday." Mao Xiaofang said wrongly, "I came to the dormitory as soon as I got off work yesterday, and found you were not in. I thought, anyway at night you go back to the dormitory to sleep, at night to you! Who knows you didn't come back last night. So today, I learned a lesson and gave you the recorder while you were in the dormitory. Otherwise, if you didn't see anyone after work as you did yesterday, and you didn't go home at night, then I would not have the chance to give you the recorder again? "

"I see." The tall man despised Su Xiaoxiao for a moment. He seemed to suddenly understand something from Mao Xiaofang's statement. He began to belittle her in his bones. Then he said to Mao Xiaofang, "well What about the recording? "

"Comrade police, what we are investigating now seems to be Tong Kangjian's molestation of Su Xiaoxiao, rather than a recorder? Besides, I didn't mean to play this recorder... " Mao Xiaofang said wrongly.

"Oh, the recording pen is also a program. You'd better tell me about it! I hope you will cooperate with us. " Said the tall man.

Seeing the tall man's tone so gentle, it seemed that Mao Xiaofang's heart lump suddenly disappeared. She said to the tall man, "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to try to see if the recorder was really fixed this morning, so I played a song on my mobile phone, which I had planned to record. But then there was an emergency room in the morning. I had just finished brushing my teeth and my face had not been washed. The head nurse called me and asked me to go to work. Mr. policeman, if you don't believe this, you can ask the head nurse! I I just want to try recording a song with the recorder. I don't want to record anything. Besides, this is my own dormitory. Su Xiaoxiao didn't come back all night. How can I record her? Besides, I didn't know that she would do things with healthy children in the dormitory

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