At this time, Su Xiaoxiao's body, a big hand from the sky! The hand swayed up and down in front of her. Then, he said to Su Xiaoxiao arrogantly, "nurse Su, I saved you just now. Why don't you even have a word of thanks?"

"Thank you." Su Xiaoxiao said very plainly. She didn't even look at the man. The power of her two eyes was all concentrated on Mao Xiaofang. She seemed unwilling to let go of Mao Xiaofang. She was very unconvinced.

"Is that too insincere?" Su Xiaoxiao said with a tone of indifference. What's more, are you saying this to Mao Xiaofang? You're thanking her for almost killing you, for saving you? If you really want to thank me for saving you, then when you say thank you, you should look at me! "

"I thank Mao Xiaofang for nearly killing me?" Su Xiaoxiao then focused his eyes on the tall man and said to him, "how can this be possible? She almost killed me, and I want to thank her? Oh, my God! Police brother, what's in your head? How can you even think of such words? Is there water in your head

"Turn your body around, face me, and say three words to me Said the tall man with great seriousness.

"I love you?" Su Xiaoxiao just like a conditioned reflex to say these three words. However, when she usually said these three words, she always used the affirmative tone, and the tone was lingering and quite emotional. Every time she said this sentence to those rich men, waiting for her was a violent storm like attack. Then, if there was no accident, she could get a lot of things, such as money, such as expensive jewelry or bags Bag Of course, later she also learned to be smart. In order to prevent her from saying "I love you" to others and regretting her behavior after giving her own actions and making her pay unworthy, she usually asks the other party to withdraw money from her account after saying "I love you", and then she will do the thing that the other party wants her to do most.

Thank you The tall man yelled at Su Xiaoxiao, "I said nurse Su, you Is there such a lack of love? I just want you to sincerely thank me. Are you so anxious to tell me? By the way, isn't your boyfriend Tong Kangjian? Is it a little embarrassing for you to say that to me? Besides, this Your boyfriend is still here. Even if you want to step on two boats, you have to wait until Tong Kangjian is gone, right? I admire you for being so blatant The tall man glanced at Tong Kangjian, who was still standing beside him, and said to Su Xiaoxiao.

"That Thank you Su Xiaoxiao some embarrassed ground, low head, drooping ear to tall man said. She was deeply embarrassed by the three words, "I love you". She was always so easy to blurt out, especially when a man asked her to say three words, she first thought of these three words, not others. So, her embarrassing moment filled her whole body and made her feel frightened. She looked at Ken tall and said, "that Don't mind. I was joking with you just now , the fastest update of the webnovel!