Still in this room. Luo Xiwei looked around. There seemed to be a trace of Park Min Ho. She did not know why she chose this room, perhaps because it had the heart of her encounter with Park Minho, and it was the castle that witnessed their love. However, everything has been the past, left in Luo Xiwei's heart, only light brand, and those who were betrayed and trampled on pain. It was as if her heart had been torn. However, it is because of this that she needs to live here more. She wants to stay here until one day, when she enters the room, she will not think of Park Minho again. When the real day came, Luo Xiwei thought, that was the real liberation. Now, though she had just looked indifferent in front of Park Min Ho, she seemed to be the one who made Park Min Ho angry and helpless. In fact, Luo Xiwei felt more helpless than Park Min Ho. She is so sad, so sad, and park Min Ho only read the elements of schadenfreude on her face, but not the boredom in her heart.

Luo Xiwei couldn't help sighing. When she looked at everything in the room very seriously, she suddenly heard the sound of the door shaking. Then she felt as if someone had broken in!

Luo Xiwei can't help but be scared out of a cold sweat! She looked carefully at the door, waiting for the door to move. She was so frightened that she hid behind the cupboard and looked for it with her eyes, hoping there was an exit except for the gate.

"Luoxiwei! Get out of here It's Park Min Ho's voice. Luo Xiwei wondered why she had just arrived at Jiangchuan hotel with her front foot, and park Min Ho, her back foot, found her room. She felt perplexed, uneasy, frightened. She looked at Park Min Ho, who was not far away from her, and wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd.

Luo Xiwei stood in silence. She hoped that park Min Ho would not find her. She really did not want to have any relationship with Park Min Ho, who had broken up with her. If she continues to entangle, I'm afraid there will be no peace in this life. She just wants to forget the man who failed her.

Park Min Ho four around a circle, but did not find Luo Xiwei's figure. So he raised his voice and called out, "Lo HSI Wei, don't hide! I know you're here! " With that, park Min Ho closed the door and went into the room to look for it more carefully. Before long, he found Luo Xiwei hiding behind the cabinet. The corner of his mouth slightly upward, said to Luo Xiwei, "you are indeed here."

"You What are you doing here? " Luo Xiwei said to park minhao uneasily. She looked at Park Min Ho and was afraid. I don't know why. Park Min Ho's look of questioning teachers made Luo Xiwei feel as if she had made a mistake. Therefore, when Luo Xiwei spoke, her face was red, her heart beat fast, and she always had no foundation.

"Luoxiwei, what are you doing in the hotel? Could it be Is there a man hidden here? " With that, park Min Ho's eyes wandered around the room, looking for some clues.

"Park Min Ho, do you think I am you? How long have we just broken up and found a new partner? " Luo Xiwei said indignantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!