"This..." The waiter looked at Luo Xiwei hesitantly for a long time.

"If you don't answer, I think it must be Park Min Ho who lives in that room." Luo Xiwei guessed, "after all Park Min Ho's car is still downstairs. "

"Yes Is it? " The waiter hesitated to look at Luo Xiwei, and his face began to become unnatural, "I Why don't I know... "

"Stop pretending. It's Park Min Ho, isn't it? " Luo Xiwei said to the waiter.

"This..." The waiter thought and said to Luo Xiwei, "I'm sorry, Miss Luo. We grass-roots employees have no right to disclose the information of customers' check-in. We hope Miss Luo can be more considerate. "

"It's Park Min Ho who lives in it. Why can't you tell me?" Luo Xiwei said to the waiter, "I am Park Min Ho's girlfriend. Don't park Min Ho's girlfriend have no right to know? Did Park Min Ho not tell you that I am a VIP customer here? Didn't park Min Ho tell you... "

When Luo Xiwei said with great interest, the waiter suddenly interrupted her: "Miss Luo, but as far as I know, President Park has broken up with you."

"You know?" Luo Xiwei was surprised. "Why do you treat me like VIP customers?" Luo Xiwei was puzzled.

"Miss Luo, that's because you are indeed a VIP customer of our hotel. Besides, President Park also ordered us to treat you as VIP customers. " The waiter replied.

"In that case, why can't you tell me who lives in it?" Asked Luo Xiwei.

"Miss Luo, what we can offer VIP customers is our supreme service. If you need anything, we can help you wholeheartedly. However, if the privacy of other customers is involved, this I'm afraid we can't do it. "

"Park Min Ho must have made an appointment with a woman, didn't he?" Luo Xiwei surmised, "if it's not for a woman, what's so inconvenient to tell me?" Luo Xiwei looked at the waiter angrily and said to him.

"Miss law, you'd better not speculate at will. It's cold in the corridor. Why don't I take you back to your room and have a rest? " Said the waiter.

"No more." Luo Xiwei turned her head and said to the waiter, "I will go myself!"

"Miss law, it's getting late. Do you want anything for dinner?" Seeing Luo Xiwei leave, the waiter raised his voice a little bit and called to luoxiwei.

"No more!" Luo Xiwei said as she walked back along the corridor. However, when she came to the room, she still couldn't control her curiosity. Looking back, she found that the waiter seemed to be far away and stood in front of the door for a few seconds. As she looked at the red door, she wondered if she wanted to do something to catch Park Min Ho's improper behavior. Do you want to go in now or wait until the time is right. The most important thing is, what kind of method should she use to enter the door, or let the people inside open it for her.

Luo Xiwei's brain is running fast, while looking at all around the door in a daze. She seems to be There's no way to get in. If you knock on the door, even if the person inside is doing something shady, I'm afraid others will destroy all the evidence before they come out to open the door.

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