Luo Xiwei recalled the scene just now. It seems that she only saw the shadow of a man in the mirror, but she did not see herself. So, that is to say, this mirror is not a mirror!

Therefore, Luo Xiwei once again opened the cabinet with doubts. Finally, she saw the shadow of the man in the mirror. However, this time, Luo Xiwei no longer felt afraid, but with an attitude of exploration and research to face the figure of this man.

Maybe it's just a painting? So, she saw only one figure, and he kept the same posture all the time.

However, just after Luo Xiwei thought it was a painting in her heart, she saw that the figure began to move, and it seemed that she had changed from sitting to standing! However, his upper body was invisible, as if it were a magnifying glass, and when the man stood up, his head and shoulders seemed to be blocked by something and became completely invisible.

Luo Xiwei did not feel that she was frightened any more. Her feeling of being frightened has finally passed. At this moment, she is more of the spirit of exploration. So she carefully touched the mirror and found that it was not gold! It feels soft, like a piece of paper!

Luo Xiwei fantasized in her mind, if this is really a piece of paper, then, can we break it and go to the next door?

It's not ridiculous, but it's not too realistic. How could that be possible? This is modern. This is a hotel. It's not ancient. It's not an ancient cave or an organ. How could someone make a modern house so mysterious? Besides, this is a hotel. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if two houses could be connected?

Luo Xiwei thought for a moment that the room she now lives in seems to be the exclusive room of Park Min Ho! So, she thought about it, and seemed to think it was possible. If this park Min Ho is not really a gentleman, with this passage leading to the next room, then can he run to the female tenant next door and do something he wants to do to the female tenant?

However, if Park Min Ho really has that idea, why make it so mysterious? He can have the room card of every room in a proper manner. He can sneak into any room he wants to sneak into by virtue of his own president's identity. Why hide the cabinet like this?

Or maybe, park Min Ho just wants to do something that he doesn't know through his own means, and doesn't want to cause conflicts positively. He wants to disguise himself as a hypocrite. Therefore, he won't choose to sneak into the guest room by means of his room card? yes! It must be! If the room card is used, then it shows that the hotel management is not good. At that time, we must investigate the responsibility of the hotel and park minhao! If such things are installed secretly in the room, park Min Ho will be able to sneak on others!

Luo Xiwei felt as if she had suddenly discovered the new world. She felt that she was just a genius! She was overjoyed by her discovery, and at the same time, she felt sad for park Min Ho, a hypocrite. , the fastest update of the webnovel!