Luo Xiwei never thought that park minhao would dare to make such a bold decision! He even let her sign such an unfair agreement in order to believe her!

Why did he believe her so much, why did he gamble with yanmiao group for her? Everyone knows that the yanmiao group was developed by park minhao. It is also the family property that his father, Pu Zhentian, has worked hard for a lifetime to earn! Today's yanmiao group is not only the leading enterprise of the whole Jiangchuan City, but also firmly based on the top of the world! Even if they are really boyfriends, I'm afraid no one can bet on such a huge enterprise for a woman. What's more, they have already broken up, and even, he has a new love. Why is he willing to do so under such circumstances? Luoxi did not understand deeply. She looked at Park Min Ho with ten thousand doubts in her mind.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her own body, Luo Xiwei's heart was full of mixed feelings. More and more, she couldn't understand Park Min Ho and all the men present. They seem to be meeting so harmoniously for a common thing, but in fact, they can be so selfish! Even, the old man named uncle Feng had the audacity to ask her to keep it secret, otherwise he would have to punish all the shares by himself! How shameless is it to do such a thing! Luo Xiwei's heart instantly lowered the status of the old man called Uncle Feng to the extreme. The other four shareholders present seemed to have no objection to Feng's request. It seems that the shopping mall is far beyond Luo Xiwei's imagination.

"I don't sign it!" Seeing all the people looking forward to it, Luo Xiwei said without hesitation.

"What are you talking about?" Feng Shucha couldn't believe his ears. "Is it because I'm too old for my ears? Say it again Uncle Feng pretended to bow his back, approached Luo Xiwei and said to Luo Xiwei.

Park Min Ho subconsciously blocked Luo Xiwei with his body, so that uncle Feng could not contact Luo Xiwei, so as to avoid unnecessary conflict.

"I said, I won't sign it!" Luo Xiwei roared, "you're a dead old head. You're really shameless. How can you share the shares of Pu minhao? If I don't sign, I won't let you succeed! "

"Vivie Park Min Ho took Luo Xiwei's hand and said to her, "it doesn't matter. Sign! I have confidence in you, I know you will not betray me. As long as you keep a secret about today's affairs and say nothing to the public, then I never need to give him my shares. "

"Why should I sign it?" "Is that why I'm responsible for the design of the cabinets in this hotel?" she said? I'm sorry, I don't think I have any fault. " Luo Xiwei insisted.

"Vivie Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xi Wei anxiously and said to Luo Xi Wei, "don't say any more. You've made uncle Feng angry."

"What are you afraid of? He is just an ugly and disgusting old man Luo Xiwei leaned out of Park minhao's back and made faces at Uncle Feng.

"You little girl, you are so lawless! No breeding Uncle Feng was exposed by Luo Xiwei's anger. "Min Ho, I advise you not to marry such an uneducated girl in order to avoid endless troubles! It's a small matter to damage your family, but it's a big deal to damage yanmiao group. Then wait for me to harm the family of six of us present! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!