"It's true." Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei and said to Luo Xiwei, "you'd better hurry up, otherwise, I'm afraid you will not be able to get out."

"You..." Luoxiwei suddenly blushed. She looked at Park Min Ho with a certain nod and said to him, "then you turn around!"

"Turn around?" Park Min Ho repeated what Luo Xiwei said and looked at Luo Xiwei happily.

Just when Luo Xiwei thought that park Min Ho would never give in to her and would not turn around, park Min Ho suddenly gave her a ghost smile: "good." After that, park Min Ho again showed the gentle smile of a lamb, and then turned his head very obediently.

"So good?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho's motionless and unshakeable figure, and some of them couldn't believe their own eyes. Her mouth kept testing, calling out "Park Min Ho", "Min Ho", however, he always stood there stubbornly, did not return a head. He stood there without saying a word, just like a student who was punished by the teacher. He never looked back.

This time, Luo Xiwei finally put her heart down. She boldly did all the work before bathing, and then turned up the amount of water in the nozzle by herself. Finally, as park Min Ho said, at the end of her bath, the glass door of the shower room finally opened.

Luo Xiwei suddenly felt happy! To her delight, the door finally opened! What made her even more happy was that park Min Ho did not look back at her from the beginning to the end! She was really moved by park Min Ho's strength of concentration.

"Sure enough, after the bath, the door opens!" Luo Xiwei said happily.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Park Min Ho said complacently as he walked out of the door. "I'll take your clean bathrobe and wrap it around your body."

"Good!" Luo Xiwei is very happy to smile, quietly waiting for the arrival of Park Min Ho.

However, when Luo Xiwei's face looked at the glass door, she just saw Park Min Ho coming gradually! What's more, she seems to find that park Min Ho at this moment seems to have been staring at her!

Luo Xiwei was so scared that she covered her face!

"What are you doing with your face covered?" Park Min Ho's voice appeared in Luo Xiwei's ear, which made Luo Xiwei feel very nervous. He handed the bathrobe to luoxiwei and said to her, "wrap up the bathrobe!"

Luo Xiwei quickly took the bathrobe, wrapped it tightly around her body, and said to park Min Ho, "you told me that when you encounter this situation, the first place to cover up is your face! Because I have it, everyone else has it. Only the face is easy to recognize. So... "

"Luoxiwei, luoxiwei!" Park Min Ho shook his head helplessly and said to Luo Xiwei, "you are right. This is really the way I taught you to survive in the entertainment industry. But, I'm talking about public places, or places with cameras! And here It's just you and me. Do I not know you are luoxiwei because you cover your face With that, park Min Ho laughed happily like a mirror. And, it seems that you can't stop laughing. He clapped his hands hard and couldn't stop.

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