Park Min Ho laughed confidently and said to Luo Xiwei, "my idea is that of Luo song. Luo song will not refuse to obey. " With that, park Minho subconsciously lifted his hair and was proud of his decision.

"Park Min Ho, how can you be sure that your idea is that of Luo song? Park Min Ho, you should not think that you are the president of yanmiao group, you can order your subordinates at will. You are so arrogant that you don't think about other people's feelings. What if Luo song's dream is to follow yanmiao group all the time instead of being a broker? " Said Luo Xiwei.

"Luoxiwei, do you think I am arrogant? I think you think you are right Park Min Ho glanced at Luo Xiwei and said, "do you know Luo song, or do I know Luo song? Luo song has worked in yanmiao group for more than ten years, and he has worked under me for many years. Can I not understand him? He has been my man for a long time. As long as I order him to do something, he will never die to carry out it. This time, I asked him to be the agent of my film company. I think he will be very happy. Lo HSI Wei, I think you are worried

"But Yanmiao group is such a big group, but your film and television company has just started, and I don't know whether it will close down one day. For anyone, I think he will choose to be a personnel manager of yanmiao group, rather than a manager of a small film and television company. " The analysis is methodical.

"You are wrong, luoxiwei." Park minhao confidently said to Luo Xiwei, "how do you know that the position of personnel manager of yanmiao group must be worse than that of my agent of film and television company? Yes, my film and television company has just started, and yanmiao group has long been an international well-known group. However, Luo song's strength in yanmiao group is quite strong, and if he continues to stay in yanmiao group, he will not make more progress, because his work has reached the most glorious time in his life, and the space for progress is quite small 。 If he works for my film and television company, he will probably become the founder of my film and television company, and it is also very likely to open up a new field in the field of film and television. Apart from the company, as far as he is concerned, his career change is likely to become the best agent in Jiangchuan, adding a great glory to his career! " Park Min Ho said so impassioned, as if in the completion of a very sacred mission in general, let the side of Luo Xiwei can not help moving.

"You You said I don't understand. " Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao seriously and said to him honestly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Park Min Ho haughtily raised his head and said to Luo Xiwei, "if you understand, you are not luoxiwei. If you understand, I will be the president of yanmiao group. So, luoxiwei, don't be afraid. Of course you don't understand. It's normal that you don't understand. If you do, the sun will come out from the West. "

Park minhao's talk made Luo Xiwei feel a little confused. She looked at Park Min Ho suspiciously, and could not help hesitating. In her opinion, whether or not to quit the entertainment industry is really a knotty question. , the fastest update of the webnovel!