"In that case, you can't blame me for it. You made it yourself." "By the way, I have to go back. Park Min Ho, you are Will you live here? "

"You don't care." Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei with a face of righteousness.

"Well Even if you live here, you won't come to my room through these two cabinets in the middle of the night Luo Xiwei couldn't help worrying.

"You still can't care." Park Min Ho said haughtily.

"Why can't I care?" Luo Xiwei argued, "the next room is reserved by me. I spent money on it. Even if you are the boss here, I don't think you have the right to intrude into other people's rooms at will. "

"I don't have the right, so you have the right to break into my meeting room?" Park Min Ho asked in a hurry.

"I..." Luo Xiwei was so asked by park minhao that she couldn't answer. She knew that she might be in the wrong. But she didn't want that to happen again. If it is in the daytime, it is not so terrible. But if that happened at night, Luo Xiwei didn't know if she would be scared to death by park minhao.

"I don't know? Is it wrong? " Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei with some Schadenfreude, and said to Luo Xiwei in an aggrieved tone, "Luo Xiwei, do you forget what you have done to me just now? The shareholders all ran away, and they didn't help me with what they promised me. Do you know how much I lost because of your sudden intrusion just now? "

"Loss How much? " Luo Xiwei looks at Park minhao weakly and asks.

"Immeasurable!" Park Min Ho said aloud to Luo Xiwei.

"What is inestimable. Who knows if you're talking nonsense. What's more, it seems that I haven't seen you lose anything all day today. It should be me who suffers the most Luo Xiwei is very unconvinced to look at Park Min Ho, pursed a small mouth said.

"Luo Xiwei, we are not friends, so please don't be cute in front of me." Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei, "otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will suddenly want to eat you again."

"You..." Luo Xiwei quickly stopped all the expressions on her face, looked at Park minhao indifferently and said to him, "eat and eat What else do you know besides eating? " She murmured in such a low voice that she could hardly hear the last few words herself.

However, park Min Ho's ears are still very sharp. He heard Luo Xiwei's words very clearly, and he gave a light smile: "Luo Xiwei, it's you who have done me a bad deed. Do you dare to tell me that you are the biggest loser? In my opinion, you really get cheap and still sell well? I have observed carefully just now. When you stay at this conference table, you are very happy. Why, now that you stand in front of me, you forget the way you submitted yourself to me? "

"Park Min Ho. You Luo Xiwei was suddenly poked in the heart by park Min Ho's words. Infuriated by the words, she even stretched out her right hand and tried to give Park minhao a mouth, but she was caught by park Min Ho, who was quick to respond and stretch out his hand.

"What, you want to hit me?" Park Min Ho sneered, "as long as I'm still alive, you'll never have this chance."

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