At this moment, park Min Ho, sitting on the sofa, suddenly turned his head and threw a warm smile to Luo Xiwei: "how about it? Are you surprised?"

"Surprise?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho with some trepidation, and said to park Min Ho angrily, "what surprise? It's almost frightening! " She gave Park Min Ho a white look and panted.

"Oh?" Park Min Ho suddenly stood up and looked at Luo Xiwei seriously, "how can I not see that you are frightened? I'm very excited by your appearance. "

"Nonsense!" Luo Xiwei gave Park Min Ho a blank look, looked at the open cabinet, and said to him, "don't you say that you won't come here from the next door like a dog hole? Yes? You hit yourself in the face so soon? "

"I'm talking about night." Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei, "besides, I just made an analogy. What is an example? Did your Chinese teacher teach you?"

"Well What are you doing here? " Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao with apprehension and said to him.

"Didn't I just say that? I just want to surprise you Said Park Min Ho.

"No need." Luo Xiwei disdainfully said, "Park Min Ho, it's getting late, you'd better go back!"

"What are you afraid of?" Park Min Ho said with a smile, "we are a relationship between a man and a woman. Oh, no, externally, we are a relationship between a man and a woman. Even if I walk out of this room with you tomorrow morning, I think those media will only bless us and will not scribble."

"You Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho angrily and said to him, "Park Min Ho, what do you want? When did you become so difficult? "

"I've always been so difficult." Park Min Ho smiles, and the index finger of his right hand stretches out, gently scratching his nose and saying to Luo Xiwei.

Park Min Ho approached Luo Xiwei step by step. When Luo Xiwei saw this, she began to perform the drama of retreating. At this time, park Min Ho's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? What's the matter? " Park Min Ho asked a little carelessly. However, when the other side said a few words, park Min Ho suddenly changed his face and said to the other side nervously, "wait for me! I'll be right here With that, park Min Ho rushed out like a gust of wind. His speed was so fast that Luo Xiwei finally believed that he was fast enough to get to her from the next door through the cabinet.

After Park Min Ho left, Luo Xiwei couldn't wait to close the door. Although she knew that even if Park Min Ho left here, as long as he wanted to enter her room, he could still come in. Luo Xiwei gently breathed a sigh of relief. This time, she should have a good rest. So many things happened that day, which made her feel a little slow.

Luo Xi Wei lenglengleng sitting on the sofa, her stomach suddenly "gurgling" to call. Luo Xiwei realized that she had spent too much physical strength in the afternoon. In addition, it was getting late. At this time point, she should have something to eat. So she went to the head of the bed, picked up the phone and dialed the hotel's service number, and asked the waiter to deliver a sumptuous dinner.

After a while, luoxiwei heard someone knocking outside the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!