"I don't mean that, Miss law..." Sun Jiadong looks at Luo Xiwei with embarrassment. He doesn't know how to follow.

"Then sit down and eat with me." Luo Xiwei almost said to sun Jiadong in a commanding tone, "otherwise, you just won't forgive my slip of the tongue just now."

"This..." Sun Jiadong is even more embarrassed. He looks at Luo Xiwei helplessly and says to Luo Xiwei, "of course I don't mean this..."

"Since you don't mean that." Luo Xiwei smiles at Sun Jiadong, "then you can have dinner with me quickly."

"Oh..." Sun Jiadong looked at Luo Xiwei uneasily. At this moment, he was as stiff as a girl who had just left the cabinet. But he couldn't do it all the time.

"Why not eat?" Luoxiwei road.

"I'm not off work yet!" Sun Jiadong said in embarrassment.

Luo Xiwei looked at the quartz clock on the wall: "you will be off work in one minute. You don't want to wait a minute before you eat? "

Sun Jiadong sat there without saying a word. However, his actions had already made luoxiwei understand that he did not dare to eat until a minute later.

"Well! I'll take you. " Luo Xiwei said to sun Jiadong, "you are a good employee of Jiangchuan hotel."

"Thank you." Sun Jiadong was a little embarrassed by Luo Xiwei's praise. He even lowered his head in silence. He was suddenly different from him who was polite when he knocked at the door just now!

Just then the quartz clock on the wall struck! It's half past five.

Sun Jiadong was relieved to eat in front of luoxiwei. However, the way he ate was still very shy, which really impressed Luo Xiwei.

Sun Jiadong picked up a piece of shrimp and said to Luo Xiwei, "I'm so big. It's my first time to eat with a star." With that, sun Jiadong expressed his joy.

"Then please enjoy and cherish this opportunity to your heart's content." Luo Xiwei smiles with heart and says to sun Jiadong. She looked at Sun Jiadong carefully. It seemed that his eyes were very simple. Luo Xiwei thought that he must be a good big boy, not a clever boy. So Luo Xiwei laughed and said to sun Jiadong, "by the way, Xiao Sun, are you familiar with all the rooms in Jiangchuan hotel?"

"Yes, of course." Sun Jiadong confidently said to Luo Xiwei, "I'm familiar with every room here. Don't look at the hotel as big as a palace. But, which room is where, which room is what series and style, which room furnishing is how, I know very well. By the way, what do you ask this for? You don't want to change rooms, do you? "

"No Luo Xiwei laughed and said, "I am I want to witness whether the waiter of Jiangchuan hotel is really as powerful as the legend. So As you say, do you know the pattern of all the rooms? "

"That's nature!" Sun Jiadong said as like as two peas to the Lowe, "if you don't believe it, you can try out a room without customers, try to see if I'm exactly the same as the room layout. I not only know all the layout of the house, but also the size of the dining table, the thickness of the mattress, the size of the TV set and the height of the refrigerator, I can tell you one by one. "

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