When sun Jiadong left luoxiwei's room, it was already near seven o'clock. Although sun Jiadong has already finished work at the moment, he is still very careful to clean up the dishes on the table. Then he said goodbye with great satisfaction.

Luo Xiwei yawned lazily, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she fell asleep in a daze.

When Luo Xiwei wakes up, she sees the wardrobe standing in front of the bed as soon as she opens her eyes. At this time, Luo Xiwei couldn't help but think of the secret in the cupboard. She sprang out of bed, full of doubts about the next room.

However, Luo Xiwei, who suddenly sat up, suddenly felt dizzy. Originally intended to stand up, she will sit there, waiting for her heart to slowly restore calm.

A moment later, luoxiwei finally felt normal. However, when she reached out to open the door of the cabinet, she suddenly hesitated.

"Do you want to go and have a look?" Luo Xiwei said to herself, "maybe there are some secrets in that conference room. Besides, even if there is no secret, I can always visit it in the past. I was so busy and afraid of Park Min Ho that I didn't have time to have a good visit. "

However, when Luo Xiwei was about to make up her mind to go through the cupboard, she hesitated: "is this a bit immoral? This is park Min Ho's conference room after all. What's more, he and I have already broken up. Even if we haven't broken up, I can't pry into other people's secrets. What's more, I'm not a boyfriend and girlfriend anymore

However, when Luo Xiwei just stepped out a little step and went back, she had to deeply regret: "did you really give up like this? Is it too cheap, park Min Ho? What's more, even if I'm not his girlfriend, he can do that to me twice in a day. So, what if I secretly run to the opposite side to have a look? Although the behavior is a little bad, it is far from as bad as park Min Ho just did to me. My behavior, at most, is that I accidentally ran to the next room. Besides, I ordered this room and I paid for it. Since the two rooms are interlinked, it is normal for me to go in and out freely between the two rooms. But park Min Ho's behavior is quite immoral, even if it is more serious, he can go to jail! Compared with Park Min Ho, how about going to the next meeting room without permission? "

Thinking of this, Luo Xiwei could not help but take a step forward. However, her heart is still in a strong struggle, hesitation, she wants to leave here to park Min Ho's conference room, but also afraid of her such behavior is immoral.

Therefore, Luo Xiwei is in this intense struggle. When she wanted to give up, the clock started to ring again.

Luoxiwei's heart was constantly beating, and the quartz clock only struck nine times. However, in her view, it seemed that it had been as long as ten thousand years. Finally, Luo Xiwei took a deep breath and adjusted her breath. Then, she finally got up her courage to climb to the cupboard next door

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