Finally arrived at the destination. When Luo Xiwei got off the bus, she suddenly felt that this place had a sense of deja vu. She stood in the same place and turned a 360 degree circle. She had a sense of familiarity that she had not seen for a long time.

"Aristocratic villa?" Luo Xiwei looked around in surprise and said to herself.

"Do you know here?" Xue can smiles brightly. He said to Lucifer, "have you been here?"

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei raised her head and looked at the tall Xue can. She was at a loss, "well. Yes

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it? President Park is so rich that he must have a villa here. You have such a good relationship with President Park, so he must have brought you here. Am I right? " Xue can said confidently to Luo Xiwei.

Xue can only said "President Park", but did not say whether it was Park Min Ho or park Zhihao. As a result, Luo Xiwei did not know how to answer. However, at the thought that park Zhihao was also the president of yanmiao group, and that park Zhihao had brought her here, Luo Xiwei nodded and said to Xue can, "well. You're right. "

Xue can happily leads Luo Xiwei into the door of the villa. Although he has always been in love with Luo Xiwei, he wants to be good to luoxiwei. At first, when he saw Luo Xiwei and park Min Ho together, he was extremely jealous. But now, seeing that park Min Ho is so good to Luo Xiwei, he is so fond of Luo Xiwei, and Luo Xiwei is so happy under his care, so Xue can is slowly relieved. What's more, Luo Xiwei is now a big star. Therefore, Xue can tells himself silently in his heart that as long as he loves her silently, as long as park minhao can give her happiness, he sincerely wishes them happiness, and will never have any improper thoughts about Luo Xiwei. And he himself, as long as he can stay at luoxiwei's side to take care of her, he will be satisfied.

Xue can picked up the key, opened the door, and then turned on the light. He said to Luo Xiwei, "have a look at how it is here."

"Good." Luo Xiwei looked around. Although it was also a noble villa, she found that the furnishings of the house were obviously different from the style of Park Zhihao's family. Park Zhihao's villa is full of a noble atmosphere, giving people a very valuable feeling everywhere. And this villa is completely full of the smell of books. As long as there are walls there are bookcases, as long as there are bookcases, there are books. So, looking around, she saw books all over the wall! The chandelier on the ceiling is full of artistic atmosphere, which makes the whole house full of peaceful atmosphere. There are so many sofas and tea tables in the room that they look like a library. Luoxiwei is amazed by the equipment downstairs.

"I'm sorry, this friend of mine is a nerd. He doesn't have any other hobbies except reading and working. Here and downstairs, in addition to books, they are almost books, which make you laugh Xue can said.

"It's OK. It's OK. I think it's very good. It's very fragrant." Luo Xiwei said with satisfaction, "I like here very much! Besides, since you are your friend and you are my friend, then your friend is my friend. Don't say that about your friends, nerds, that sounds weird. In other words, he is a learned man, and I think it would be more appropriate to say so. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!