"Yes! Park Min Ho, he is a thoroughly bad man! Scum Luo Xiwei's mouth repeats what Xue can said just now. The pillow on her hand has been regarded as park Min Ho by her. She has been beaten black and blue, and the white cotton in the pillow is almost exposed.

Xue can looks at the broken pillow in Luo Xiwei's hand, and feels astonished.

Luo Xiwei sees Xue can staring at herself all the time. She looks at Xue can's eyes until she finds her hands. She quickly hid the pillow behind her and faltered to Xue can: "yes Sorry... " Then, embarrassed, she took the pillow from behind to the front and said to Xue can, "I I'll buy another pillow and give it to your friend. "

"No need." Xue can smiles, "my friend is not so careful, just a pillow, won't mind. I just feel like You like playing with this pillow so much, I think you How lovely. "

"Lovely?" Luo Xiwei's face turned red. She suddenly lowered her head and silently looked at the pillow in her hand, feeling strange and embarrassed. "Don't make fun of her

"I didn't make fun of you." Xue can looks at Luo Xiwei seriously and says to Luo Xiwei, "Luo Xiwei, in fact I have been working with you for so long in yanmiao group. I always regard you as My best friend. I always have a word in my heart that I want to say to you, but I always hold it in my heart and dare not tell you... "

"What?" Luo Xiwei raised her head and looked at Xue can in surprise. She didn't expect that Xue can, who has always been a good talker, would be incoherent! Luo Xiwei saw Xue can's aura suddenly weakened a hundred times, as if her courage had become bigger. She became bold and raised her head. Zhuang looked at Xue can solemnly and asked, "what's the matter?"

When Xue can's eyes and Luo Xiwei's hand over the moment, Xue can unexpectedly lowered his head down! His face was red, and the whole man faltered, which made Luo Xiwei confused!

In Luo Xiwei's eyes, Xue can, who is always optimistic and cheerful, is neither humble nor arrogant to people, handles things cleanly and cleanly. How Can Xue can be so strange to her at this time? Is this still the young man with high blood? How can such a big guy be more than a big girl? This is the first time Luo Xiwei saw Xue can's shyness. She was very puzzled. What medicine did Xue Chan take today?

Xue can more is low head, Luo Xiwei is more want to see his face! So, she slowly put her head to Xue can's side, until she put her face under Xue can's face, so that she could see Xue can's face and see Xue can's eyes again! She looks at Xue can with a smile, winks at him intentionally, shakes her head at him, and tries to ease Xue can's mood with her own funny.

The more Luo Xiwei is like this, the more Xue can thinks Luo Xiwei is cute. The more she thinks Luo Xiwei is cute, the more she likes Luo Xiwei. The more strongly he likes Luo Xiwei, the more he dares not to face Luo Xiwei's face! Now, Xue can is almost embarrassed. He really doesn't know how to hide his face!

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