"All right, Dr. Huo." Park Min Ho looked at Dr. Huo and said to Dr. Huo, "I think you must have been a woman in a previous life, so gossipy. She left me at more than 10 o'clock last night, but later, I don't know why, she came back at more than two o'clock in the middle of the night. I don't know the purpose of her coming back, and I don't know if she knocked at the door. I only know that I was tired last night and had a dead sleep. But I wake up easily in the morning. I wake up early. By the way, Dr. Huo, what's wrong with vivie? Is she OK? Do you want to send it to a big hospital? " Park Min Ho asked anxiously.

"It's not necessary to send them to the hospital. Luo Xiwei's illness is not so serious. She just has a fever... "

Before Dr. Huo's words were finished, park Min Ho interrupted him anxiously. Then he pointed to Luo Xiwei, who was lying on the bed and said, "what's not so serious? Look at her like that. She has a high fever of 40 degrees and is unconscious. She still talks nonsense all the time. Are you serious

"Min Ho, Min Ho!" Dr. Huo quickly went to park minhao's side and advised him, "I have been your personal doctor for so many years. Don't you believe me? What's more, I'm also a director level doctor. I've seen a lot of bigger diseases and treated many serious ones. Now I have a fever. Can't I see it well? How can you not believe me? Min Ho, I think you are too nervous. You, relax. I promise, I'll prescribe some medicine for her to make sure that she will be alive again tomorrow. "

"That's what you said." Park Min Ho said to Dr. Huo, "if you don't get better tonight, I'll ask you!" Park Min said with a fierce threat to the doctor.

"Min Ho, I'm talking about tomorrow, not tonight." Dr. Huo said to park Min Ho.

"I don't care." Park Min Ho took the medicine in Dr. Huo's hand and said to Dr. Huo, "who made you claim to be a miracle doctor all the time? How can you reduce the average doctor's time to treat fever by half? So, I'll see tonight. I can't wait. If Wei Wei doesn't dance around tonight, I'll settle with you. " Park Min Ho jokingly said to Dr. Huo.

"Well, Minho. You are such a big man. You are still as naive as you were in school before. " At night, park Min Ho said, "yes, doctor. Yes, I can only guarantee that, at night, luoxiwei will not be as dazed as she is now, nor will she talk nonsense as often as she does now. I can only guarantee that at night, she will look like a normal person, and she will not feel too bad. As for being alive and kicking around, you really need to sleep one night. Wake up as like as two peas. "I can guarantee that your Luo Si Wei is exactly the same as before."

"Well, tomorrow is tomorrow." Park Min Ho looked at Dr. Huo seriously and seriously, and looked at Luo Xiwei very worried. He said in silence, "Wei Wei, I hope you can get better soon. As long as you get better, I'll be relieved. " He quietly approached luoxiwei's bedside, caressed luoxiwei's head with love and arranged a small amount of scattered hair for her. Then, he sat obediently on the edge of the bed and began to appreciate Luo Xiwei's face slowly.

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