"This..." Park Min Ho blinked and slowly recalled, "yes, this is your room. Have you paid for it? So You mean, this is yours? "

"Yes Luo Xiwei blinked and said to park Min Ho.

"But this is my private suite." Park Min Ho said, "you shouldn't stay here. You have to go."

"Good!" Luo Xiwei's eyes suddenly became dim. She looked at Park minhao helplessly. She wanted to tell him that she already knew everything. However, looking at Park Min Ho so determined to drive her away, Luo Xiwei's heart suddenly became cold. She no longer struggle, no longer look forward to, she quietly get out of bed, a person left alone, head also left here.

Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei without saying a word. His heart was almost broken when he left in silence. However, watching Luo Xiwei gradually leave, and slowly disappear in front of his eyes, park Min Ho's heavy heart gradually let go.

However, when Park Min Ho went to the door to close the door, he suddenly heard a heavy "puff" sound coming from the corridor!

Park Min Ho's nerves were strained at once! He suddenly felt as if he had been frightened! He opened the door and poked out his head. He was surprised to find that luoxiwei had fallen in the corridor not far ahead!

"Wei Wei! Vivie Park Min Ho can't wait to catch up, he took Luo Xiwei in his arms and carried her to the room. His mouth constantly called "Wei Wei", he yelled to the top of his voice, shouting almost cry out! However, until Park Min Ho's voice was almost hoarse, Luo Xiwei slowly opened her eyes.

"Wei Wei, you finally wake up! I'm scared to death Park Min Ho couldn't control his inner excitement. He hugged Luo Xiwei and cried, "Weiwei, I thought you were OK. You're not in good health. Why don't you say that? I'm sorry, I'm sorry... " Park Min Ho deeply reproached himself, tears blurred his eyes.

"I..." Luo Xiwei's head was tightly encircled by park Min Ho's hand. She felt that she was going to be out of breath. She choked her face red, and then coughed, and with great difficulty came a few words out of her mouth, "I can't breathe Min Ho, you hold it too tightly... "

Park Min Ho realized that he had been too nervous. Luo Xiwei has already woken up. Park Min Ho looks at Luo Xiwei already can speak, then suddenly looks like a child, tears into a smile. He shaved Luo Xiwei's nose and said to her, "just wake up, just wake up! Vivie, you are so scary! I'm scared when you sleep outside alone. I'm shocked when you're unconscious. You faint again, and I'm almost scared out of my soul Weiwei, don't do this again... "

Luo Xiwei's facial expression gradually expanded. She is very attentive to look at Park Min Ho, a faint smile on her face: "how, care about me, reluctant to give up me?"

"No way!" Park minhao suddenly denied. He nuzzled his nose with his hand, then said defiantly, "I I'm afraid you'll die here. If you want to die, go somewhere else. Don't die in my hotel. Our hotel will continue to develop. You can't kill people in my hotel. "

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