"Charlie, I hope you remember what you said today." Park Min Ho said to Charlie. Then he looked at Charlie, patted him on the shoulder and said, "but now that I know about your relationship, I hope you never touch her. I don't want her to be abandoned by you after she becomes your woman and kills her all her life."

"Brother, your idea is really strange. Why do you say that when she becomes my woman, if she is abandoned by me, it will damage her life? This is just what you Chinese people don't know. In the United States, every girl may have more than a dozen men or even dozens of men in her life. This is the freedom of girls. They can't confine their lives with the idea of "harming her life.". Besides, brother, I'm not afraid to be beaten again. I'll tell you the truth. Amin, when she was in the United States, she already gave me her so-called first time. Moreover, in China, we have been so close for more than once. For example, last night, we were here... " Charlie shrugged and said to park Minho, "very close."

"You Park minhao didn't fight against his anger. He really wanted to beat Charlie to death again. However, in view of his promise that Ning Xin would not attack Charlie any more, park minhao stretched out his fist at will, and then held it back in silence. He bit his teeth, how can't believe that in his heart has been pure and flawless sister how with such a person on, and has reached the most intimate contact! It's just that if this man is a responsible man, then Park Min Ho thinks it's reasonable, but it's Charlie who seems irresponsible and even more irresponsible in his heart! Park Min Ho's heart is broken! He had a strong sense of loss and was suddenly depressed.

"Brother, you promised Amin that you would not hit me." Charlie said to park Minho, "you don't want to go back on it, do you? You are an American educated person. You can't go back on it like this! In that case, are you worthy of your American education? "

“Charlie!” Park Min Ho said to Charlie in an almost roaring voice, "you can insult me with such words, but you can't insult us Chinese with such words! What is it that if I go back on my word, I'm sorry for my American education? I tell you! I received Chinese education since I was a child. It is Chinese education that tells me that I must be an honest and trustworthy person! As for the education in the United States, I received it only after I graduated from university. At that time, my basic moral concepts had been formed. Therefore, whether I keep my promise or not has nothing to do with you, America! Charlie, I don't think I'll teach you a lesson because you are Ning Xin's favorite man. However, please pay attention to the key points in future, and don't despise us Chinese at will! Don't forget that Ning Xin, who you love, is also a Chinese! If you look down upon the Chinese at heart, how can you and Ning Xin continue to associate and get happiness? Can you and Ning Xin go to the end? "

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