"You are awake." Su Xiaoxiao sneered and said to Luo Xiwei, "Park Min Ho asked about your condition and found out that you were not in any serious trouble. He had to let me help him to come here to see you. It was not until he saw with his own eyes that you didn't lose your arms or legs, and you didn't get any injuries, and then he went back to his ward. It's just that he had a foot injury, and he came to see you just after he woke up, so that when he returned to the ward, he fainted with pain, and he still hasn't woken up yet! "

"I'm going to see him!" Luo Xiwei suddenly sat up from the bed and was about to leave the hospital bed and walk down.

"No way!" Su Xiaoxiao severely stopped her, "I just because I couldn't beat Park Minho. When I mentioned that I wanted to come to see you, he suddenly was as powerful as an ox, and I couldn't drag him. Although he forced me to come here, I didn't watch him. It's not my fault, but I was punished by the hospital, and my bonus was deducted at the end of the year. I don't want to be punished more for you. "

"I..." Luo Xiwei struggled to get up, but again and again was su Xiaoxiao forcefully pressed in the hospital bed. She was so anxious that she almost prayed to Su Xiaoxiao and said, "please, let me have a look at Min Hao, even if it's just one eye, just one eye If you're going to get your bonus deducted, I'll I can give you the money. I'll ask you. Let me go and see Park Min Ho! "

"Give me money. It's a bribe. The hospital will never allow it." Su Xiaoxiao said coldly, "what's more, it's not a matter of money. If I take you to see Park minhao, if the leader knows it again, it won't be as simple as deducting bonus this time. It's very likely that I will be fired as an irresponsible nurse. I don't want to lose my job because of you. "

"I But I want to see him Luo Xiwei looked at Su Xiaoxiao with a strong demand in her eyes, and said to Su Xiaoxiao, "I So, you tell me where your florist is and I'll buy all your flowers

Although luoxiwei's condition is quite attractive, Su Xiaoxiao also knows that he can take the opportunity to buy a lot of flowers, and then sell them to Luo Xiwei at a high price to make a lot of money. However, since the incident between him and Tong Kangjian, she has been afraid that Tong Kangjian will report that she is selling roses in the hospital while taking advantage of her position. Therefore, she has never sold roses since then, so as not to worry about the future. Although she wanted money so much, she didn't want to lose her convenient job as a nurse. You know, she can easily judge which patients are poor and which are rich by whether they are willing to spend money and eat and drink. As long as you meet a rich man who is interested in her, the value they can bring to her is far more than the money you can earn by selling roses for a month. And now, Su Xiaoxiao will not choose to take risks for Luo Xiwei's money. So, she gave Luo Xiwei a faint smile and said, "sorry, I don't sell roses now. You'd better lie down in bed and recuperate. Don't embarrass me, a nurse. I'm not like your stars. It's not easy to earn some money. What's more, if you've just had a car accident and you've been frightened, you'd better lie in bed and have a rest. It's good for your condition

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