"Can you tell me now?" Luo Xi Wei see Su Xiaoxiao action finished, then said to Su Xiaoxiao.

"I'm afraid you'll run away when I say it." Su Xiaoxiao immediately said to Luo Xiwei.

"You tell me the truth, as long as he's OK, I promise you I won't run." Luo Xiwei said to Su Xiaoxiao.

"All right, then." Su Xiaoxiao took a heavy breath and said to Luo Xiwei, "he has gone to America."

"America?" Luo Xiwei couldn't help but stare at Su Xiaoxiao and said to Su Xiaoxiao, "impossible! Didn't you say he was still in a coma? What did he go to America for? Besides, he doesn't need to go to America even if he's all right now

"It was because he was in a coma all the time that President Park decided to send him to the United States." Su Xiaoxiao said to Luo Xiwei, "by the way, isn't Pu Zhihao always unconscious? He was also sent to the United States. "

"But..." Luo Xiwei felt puzzled, "since they are in a coma, how can they get on the plane?"

"Whether they are unconscious or not, they can get on the plane." Su Xiaoxiao said to Luo Xiwei, "do you think Park Zhentian, the president of such a large group, can't even afford a private plane? It is said that there are a total of more than a dozen private planes in his home. They laugh and have different models. They can also choose the most suitable plane for flying on that day according to the weather and wind speed of the day. The life of the rich is different from ours. I think you should worry less about Park Min Ho and more about yourself! Although you don't have any injuries, there is a skin injury on your forehead. If you don't have a good rest and don't take good care of it, you may leave a scar, which is not good for your future performing arts career. Although I don't know much about you in reality and have little contact with you, you are still excellent on the screen. I don't want us to lose an actress who is so dedicated as you

"Thank you for your comment." Luo Xiwei said to Su Xiaoxiao, "thank you. I always thought you hated me..."

"You're welcome." Su Xiaoxiao stubbornly looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "you don't have to be like this. I just told a big truth, not to please you. What's more, I really only like the way you can put yourself into acting on the screen. In reality, you are just a troublesome woman. I don't like women like you. " With that, Su Xiaoxiao gave Luo Xiwei a look.

"Anyway, even if you only like me on the screen, I really appreciate it. But, nurse Su, can you tell me which hospital Park Min Ho went to in the United States? "

"I don't know." Su Xiaoxiao said arrogantly to Luo Xiwei, "besides, you can go to America if you want to. Have you got a passport? Do you have a visa? "

"I have." At this time, Luo Xiwei was really glad that park Min Ho had applied for her visa before. At that time, she and park Min Ho were not formal friends. At that time, magazines reported about her affair with Park Min Ho, saying that they were doing extreme sports in park Min Ho's car. In order to ease Luo Xiwei's mood, park Min Ho decided to take her out to relax. So, he secretly applied for Luo Xiwei's passport and visa. But surprisingly, when the visa came down, Luo Xiwei lost her memory, and she didn't even know Park Min Ho. Park Min Ho had no chance to take her to the United States.

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