"Amin!" Charlie felt helpless about Ning Xin's thinking. He looked at Ning Xin lightly and said to her, "Amin, why must your Chinese love be so great? Lovers can be very happy, very happy, why must sacrifice their own way to express love? If love is always reflected by someone's sacrifice, doesn't that kind of love make people feel tired? Chinese style love really makes people feel tired when listening, and your Chinese concept of marriage is even more amazing. " Charlie has a helpless look at Ning Xin, and she feels unreasonable.

"In that case, Charlie, we'll break up!" Ning Xin firmly said to Charlie, "since you can't fit into the love we Chinese people think, and even don't want to make even a little change and concession for me, there is really nothing to say between us."

"But, Amin, you know, I love you so much!" Charlie felt so heartache for Ning Xin's treatment of him. "I just want to ask you one thing. Are you not in love with me, so you want to break up with me?"

"There is a big gap between our ideas and our Chinese and Western cultures. Since you ask me to obey all the customs and cultures of the United States unconditionally and in an all-round way, and are not willing to accept any culture and concepts of China psychologically, then, Charlie, we really should not have any love." Ning Xin looks at Charlie lightly and says to Charlie.

"There should be no love due to the differences in ideas and cultures between China and the West..." Charlie pondered these words carefully and said to Ning Xin, "you never said that you wanted to break up with me because you didn't love me. Amin, do you think your reasons for breaking up are ridiculous? Why always break up because of something other than love? Amin, if you tell me that you don't like me, so you want to break up with me, then I have nothing to say. But now you tell me that you want to break up with me because of factors other than love. I really can't accept it

“Charlie!” Ning Xin was so excited that she almost cried and yelled, "can you stop talking about it! Our love, from the beginning is a mistake, we should not be together! Charlie, yes, I admit I still like you, but we can't be irresponsible just to be together and ignore the outcome. Since you have not decided to stay with me all my life, why should we be together? I am a traditional Chinese girl. Once I identify a person emotionally, I will be lifelong. But since you think that two people can not care about the long-term, just need to have, then, rather than go to the ends of the world sooner or later, it is better to cut off the love and give us a reasonable account of each other's future. " After saying that, Ning Xin's tears pattered and fell straight. The hot tears just dropped on Charlie's hand, which was about to touch Ning Xin's face. Charlie's heart suddenly felt a burst of heartbreaking pain.

In that burning moment of boiling tears, Charlie seemed to suddenly understand something, as if he knew what to do.

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