"Passport." Park Zhihao's eyes tightly fixed on Luo Xiwei's hand and said to Luo Xiwei, "put down your passport and you can go."

"Park Chi Ho, are you mistaken? This is my passport!" Luo Xiwei was speechless to park Zhihao. "My passport, I can't take it. I have to leave it with you? What a joke

"If it's your stuff, how can it show up in my office?" Park said, "since it's my stuff, you can't take it."

"This is the passport that Min Hao helped me get. Why can't I take it? I am the owner of the passport, I must take it away! " Said Luo Xiwei.

"Sorry, this is the president's office." Park Zhihao suddenly full of confidence to Luo Xiwei said, "you can go, but things in the president's office must be left."

"Why?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Zhihao and said to him, "this is my passport!"

"This is the president's office, my office, my place!" Park Zhihao yelled loudly. His eyes were still fixed on Luo Xiwei's passport, and he said to Luo Xiwei, "now that park Min Ho is in a car accident and unconscious, you don't want to go to the United States. When Park Min Ho wakes up, you can unite with him to deal with me? So, luoxiwei, I can't let you walk out of here with my things, especially with this passport

"Zhihao, I didn't expect that you would think so!" Luo Xiwei was simply surprised by park Zhihao's statement, "how could I possibly continue to deal with you with Park Min Ho? We've never dealt with you. I went to America to take better care of Gu minhao. I hope he will wake up soon. You two brothers are originally together. You are from the park family, just like Ning Xin. What can we do to deal with them? I hope Park Min Ho is well, and of course I hope you can get well. Zhihao, I'm very happy that you wake up, but don't you want to make trouble like a child? I think if President Park is here, he doesn't want to see this happen between your brothers. He has always wanted you two to be able and harmonious... "

"Shut up!" Before Luo Xiwei's words were finished, park Zhihao interrupted her, "Luo Xiwei, I speak so well. Do you think I'm still a vegetarian after spending so many years in the workplace? Who would believe your lies? Park Min Ho is your boyfriend. Who are you not facing? Luo Xiwei, what you have to do now is put down your passport, so that you can leave here. Otherwise, you don't want to leave here! "

Luo Xiwei saw that park Zhihao was so ferocious, and suddenly felt his horror. It seems that if he is determined to leave, park Zhihao will not let him. What to do now? She anxiously looked at Ning Xin, pulled her sleeve and said to her, "what should I do? It seems that he won't let us out of here. "

"Brother At this time, Ning Xin suddenly stood in front of Park Zhihao, a will luoxiweila in his back, with his body block luoxiwei. Then she boldly said to park, "let her go with her passport! She promised me to go to the United States to take care of Min Ho only after being persuaded by me. I have to ask her to go to the United States with me to take care of Min Ho now. "

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