"It's like if you give the house to Cheng Xuehui, you won't be struck by thunder." Xue can jokingly said to park Zhihao.

"What do you mean?" Park Zhihao pushed Xue can's head and said to Xue can, "you boy, your wings are growing. Now you want to dismantle my platform, don't you?"

"How dare I Xue can joked, "but there is one thing I forgot to tell you..."

"What's the matter?" Park Zhihao said to Xue can impatiently.

"Gold, silver and jade are also..." Xue can stammered and stammered. In the middle of it, he didn't dare to say it.

"Break up with me too?" Park Zhihao suddenly felt the thunderbolt, "no! No! I have to find her! I love her, I can't break up with her! This house Can't I sell the house yet? I sell the house! Big deal, I secretly buy a set for Xuehui again! I I can't lose silver jade Park Zhihao was so incoherent that Xue can could feel astonished.

Not only did Xue can feel surprised that park Zhihao suddenly became so emotional, but even Luo Xiwei, who was standing behind him, felt that after waking up, park Zhihao seemed to have more love than before. He not only loved gold and silver, but also could not bear to treat Cheng Xuehui's mother and son badly. However, it seems that this kind of amorous feeling is not a good thing. If he only has affection for one person, it is a good thing. If he wants to take both sides into consideration, it will be the beginning of a bad thing.

"It's not like that, president." "You want to explain to me," Xue Hao said Miss King, she's pregnant, too

"Pregnant?" Park Zhihao looked at Xue can nervously and asked, "she She's looking for someone else? "

"No, she is pregnant with your child." Xue can explained seriously, "she has no one else."

"Is it? That's good That's good! " Park Zhihao was very excited. He turned around in the same place excitedly, and said with emotion in his heart, "great! Excellent! I'm going to be a dad! Then I can't let Yinyu suffer, I have to let her become the happiest bride in the world Park Zhihao's face was full of joy, but it made Luo Xiwei feel sad.

Luo Xiwei thought of Cheng Xuehui, who had a big stomach like jinyinyu, suddenly felt a faint sadness. He was also pregnant with Park Zhihao, but when Park Zhihao learned that Cheng Xuehui was pregnant, his heart was extremely repelled. He did not realize that he was about to become a father. He was not happy at all. He only felt heavy and resistance. He was eager for Cheng Xuehui to go to the hospital to have the child, and when Cheng Xuehui insisted on giving birth to the child However, he still wanted her to kill the child. He never wanted to be responsible for Cheng Xuehui. He didn't think about her future. When Jin Yinyu got pregnant, Pu Zhihao was so happy that his first reaction was joy. He realized that this was a happy event. He realized that he was about to become a father. He realized the responsibility on his shoulders instead of trying to shirk the responsibility. The most important thing is that Pu Zhihao seems to have the idea of marrying jinyinyu home, and he doesn't want to let her suffer any injustice!

The same man can be cruel and gentle, which makes Luo Xiwei feel astonished and terrible!

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