"Well, well, don't be surprised. Congratulations! I'm almost a father. You sister, why don't you even say a word of congratulations to my brother? " Park Zhihao was angry and strange.

"Congratulations Ningxin said to park Zhihao half sincerely and half perfunctorily. However, she looked at Park Zhihao with some doubts and said to him, "but The version I heard before is not like this. It seems to be Cheng Xuehui With your Children... " Ningxin is a little embarrassed, so that her voice is getting lower and lower. In the end, she can hardly hear what she is talking about.

At this time, jinyinyu's face was only slightly pulled down. She, who had been smiling, suddenly turned into a very serious look. However, she still showed no sign of being unhappy.

Ning Xin suddenly felt that the heart of this gold and silver jade was really powerful. She had already mentioned Cheng Xuehui's pregnancy for PU Zhihao. She could still show such calm and calm! Either the girl jinyinyu is very tolerant and has a big heart, or she is a person full of scheming! But now Ning Xin is still afraid to judge who jinyinyu is.

"Amin, what do you say about this?" Park Zhihao suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He looked at the silent Luo Xiwei and suddenly said, "by the way, Amin, you seem to have the suspicion of changing the topic. I almost forgot what I was here for. Passport Park Zhihao said as he stretched out his hand to Luo Xiwei.

"I..." Luo Xiwei was suddenly shocked! Originally thought Park Zhihao could forget his passport, but he still remembered it! She looked at Ning Xin with some worry and asked for help with her frown and expectant eyes.

"Brother Zhihao!" Ning Xin suddenly stood in the middle of Park Zhihao and Luo Xiwei. She looked at Park Zhihao and said to him, "seriously, that's sister Weiwei's passport. You really don't have the right to ask her to hand over her passport."

"But this is something of yanmiao group." Park Zhihao said slowly, "the group's things, Amin, you know, no one has the right to take them. She is not an employee of the group now, so she should not take a cent from the group. Non yanmiao Group employees are not allowed to take away any items from the group without authorization, which is the group's rule. "

"But she used to be an employee of the group, brother Zhihao. You know that." Ning Xin explains.

"Employees who leave can remove their belongings within three days." Park Zhihao said, "and she has been out of office for more than three months. What's the reason to ship things from yanmiao group?"

"Brother Zhihao, why are you so stubborn?" Ning Xin almost burst into tears. However, on second thought, the passport was no longer on Luo Xiwei's body, so she suddenly became relaxed. She smiles at Luo Xiwei and says, "well, sister Weiwei, let's go."

"Can't go!" Park Zhihao's hand stopped in front of Ning Xin, "if you want to leave here, put down your passport."

"Brother Zhihao, this is not an airport. Why do I have to show my passport to leave here?" Ningxin said calmly, "besides, the passport is not on sister Weiwei, we didn't take it away."

"Is it?" Park Zhihao looked at Ning Xin with suspicion, and then at Luo Xiwei. Although he felt that Ning Xin was probably bluffing him, looking at Luo Xiwei at the moment with an air of self-confidence and not worried at all, park Zhihao knew that what Ning Xin said must be true.

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