"Where is it?" Luo Xiwei embarrassed to lower his head, "Ningxin, you want more."

"Is it?" Ning Xin deliberately lengthened her voice and said to Luo Xiwei with some skepticism.

"Well!" Luo Xiwei pretended to be calm and nodded. However, at this time, Luo Xiwei's mobile phone vibrated.

Luo Xiwei points to open a mobile phone to see, discover is the news that Huoxi sends.

"Sister, do you want your passport now? If you need it, I'll send it to you now. " It's from hosy. At the end of this passage, there is a smiling face.

Luo Xiwei laughed and thought for a while. Her ten fingers moved quickly. She edited the information quickly, and then sent it very quickly.

"It's office time, can you? I'm already in the restaurant. "

"It's OK. I'm going out to do business today. I'm going to be a little earlier. It's OK. If you need it urgently, I'll send it to you now. "

"Good. That's troubling you. "

After sending out the last sentence, Luo Xiwei felt that her heart was like a heavy stone falling to the ground, and her heart suddenly felt much more relaxed.

After a while, Luo Xiwei suddenly looked up and saw a familiar person standing at the door of the restaurant. His head was trying to probe inside, looking for Luo Xiwei's figure everywhere.

Luo Xiwei saw the tall man at a glance! She reached out and waved to hosy, indicating that she was there.

"Sister, I've found you!" Xue can was sweating. He was so excited when he spoke that his eyes seemed to shine. With a sweet smile, he handed Luo Xiwei the passport he had hidden in his briefcase and said, "sister, this is your passport. Here you are."

"Thank you." Luo Xiwei takes over the passport and takes a very happy look at Ning Xin. She seems to be telling her that she is right. Huoxi will not betray her.

"Sister, that If there is nothing else, I won't disturb your meal Huoxi looked at Luo Xiwei and Ning Xin, but she was not familiar with Ningxin. He only thinks that Ningxin is a very beautiful girl. Such a beautiful girl must be Luo Xiwei's best friend. And since this is the lunch between girlfriends, it is inconvenient for him to mix up.

"Don't disturb me! Don't disturb me Ning Xin said quickly, "that You sit down, sit down! Eat with me! It's almost eleven o'clock now. I'll go out to work after dinner! Anyway, you have to eat when you finish your work. If you change the order of work and meal, it will not affect your work too much, right

"The impact is naturally not." Xue can looked at Ning Xin with some embarrassment, scratched his head and said, "I'm just afraid of affecting your two meals."

"What effect can this have?" Ning Xin said out loud, "unless you feel that eating with us reduces the level of talents who work in yanmiao group. After all, Luo Xiwei and I, one is a mixed performing arts circle, the other is still a student. We are not as excellent as the employees of yanmiao group. You are all excellent students! I heard that even the floor sweeper of your company is a bachelor's degree! "

"That's all because of them. How can I be so good?" "To tell you the truth, I'm not a top student. I'm also a student. I'm just here to practice. I wish I were a regular employee here. But it is Xuejie who is a top student. She used to be a regular employee of the group. Now she has better development and becomes a star, so she has no time to work here. Since you are my sister's friend, I think you must be better than me

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