What makes Huoxi feel even more puzzled is that since then, Huodong not only does not feel guilty about Huoxi's hospitalization, but also becomes more and more accommodative to his girlfriend and is more and more bad to Huoxi.

Whenever his parents are not at home and Huo Dong's girlfriend comes to the house, Huo Dong will let him stay alone outside the door and forbid him to enter.

Once, the ignorant Huoxi even told his parents about the fight between Huodong and his girlfriend. He didn't understand why Huo Dong didn't like his girlfriend. He always liked to fight with her, but he still treated her so well.

Hosy's parents were shocked! They didn't ask hosy much. However, in the evening, Huodong had a very fierce quarrel with his parents. He was beaten up by his father, and then he ran out crying. When he ran out and passed by Huoxi, Huodong looked at the hatred in Huoxi's eyes. Huoxi could not forget it all his life.

Two years later, around the age of 10, Huodong was 20. One night, Huo Dong suddenly told his parents that he didn't want to go to school. He wanted to go to work.

When his parents asked why, Huo Dong refused to answer. Parents said sternly, Dongdong, you are a pillar of the future with good grades. You will never be allowed to leave school unless there is a proper reason.

Huo Dong said weakly that it was because his girlfriend was pregnant. He wanted to take her home and raise her well.

That night, the sound of pots and pans came from the house. Huodong ran away from home again.

Later, the parents finally compromised. In that summer vacation, Huo Dong's girlfriend came to their house, and Huo Dong worked in a summer job. During the day, Huoxi and Huodong's girlfriend were alone. When it's OK, Huo Dong's girlfriend will tease Huo Xi to play, and will play Huo Xi around and round until she cries.

In the evening, when Huo Dong and his parents go home, Huo Dong's girlfriend will always find out if Huo Xi wants to complain. Then, every time she would come to a villain to complain, crying and crying, until Huo Dong and his parents told him about Huo Xi, and then comforted her girlfriend, she would not give up.

Little hosy, even so early to bear so much! There was no place to tell the bitterness in his heart. And every time when he went to his parents crying and cried that he was wronged, his parents would sigh heavily and say, what can we do? After all, the girl is pregnant with our Huo family's child, so we can't treat her unfairly. Huo Dong and his girlfriend are still at school. If the parents of the girls don't tell us that Huo Dong has grown up their daughter's stomach, they are already very good.

Hosy at that time, of course, did not understand what all this was about. All he knew was that Huo Dong's girlfriend would be added to his family, and maybe there would be another baby in the future, and there would be no place for Huo Xi. He is sad for himself every day. His parents don't love him. His brother doesn't love him. He feels that everything in front of him is really shattered. He really doesn't know what to do. This summer vacation, he finished his homework very early, and the homework book was burned as waste paper by Huo Dong's girlfriend. When he returned to school, hosy, who had always been outstanding, was criticized by his teacher for the first time in his life, which turned out to be the first stain in his student career.

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