Ning Xin's words simply let Luo Xiwei some startled! She looked at Ning Xin in a daze and thought carefully that there was no such possibility. She opened her eyes and hesitated to Ning Xin and said, "this It seems unlikely? "

Ning Xin took a look at Luo Xiwei with great interest and said to Luo Xiwei, "that's not necessarily." She smiles mysteriously and looks at the calm and embarrassed expression on Luo Xiwei's face. She completely believes that Luo Xiwei is not the woman who eats a bowl and looks at the pot. She laughed and said to luoxiwei, "I'm kidding you! All right, let's go! I have already sent a message to the pilot. He has just finished his meal and is on his way to the airport. Sister Wei Wei, are you sure you want to fly to America with me today

"Yes Luo Xiwei is very firm and nods to Ning Xin.

"Good! Let's go now With that, Luo Xiwei and Ning Xin stood up and left the restaurant.

What Luo Xiwei and Ning Xin didn't expect was that when their plane landed in the United States, Charlie was already waiting at the airport.

As soon as Ning Xin got off the plane, she saw Charlie all the way. However, Ning Xin's heart was already cold when she was in Jiangchuan. She has decided to break up with Charlie and end this inappropriate relationship as soon as possible. Long pain is better than short pain. Since Charlie has no intention of shouldering the responsibility as a man, Ning Xin no longer has hope for him. So instead of going to Charlie, Ning Xin walked out through another exit of the airport.

It's just that the sharp eyed Charlie seems to realize this very quickly, so when Ning Xin and Luo Xiwei come out from another exit of the airport, Charlie seems to have been waiting at that exit for a long time.

Ning Xin clearly recognized the man she deeply loved in the crowd. But she had to pretend to be indifferent and not see.

"Amin!" Charlie stood on tiptoe in the crowd and jumped from time to time. He kept waving to Ning Xin and saying, "ah min, I'm Charlie. I'm here."

He went on, pretending not to see Charlie.

"Amin, where are you going Charlie rushed to Ning Xin's face, stopped her with both hands, and said to Ning Xin.

"What's your business?" Ning Xin said to Charlie without any hesitation.

"Amin..." Charlie frowned tightly and said to Ning Xin, "Amin, I'm wrong. Would you like to go back with me?"

"Not good!" Ning Xin said to Charlie willfully, "by the way, how do you know that our plane stops here?"

"Amin, if I really want to know about you, it's not difficult at all. The key is whether I want to know. " Charlie said to Ning Xin, "Amin, you know, as long as you really love someone, there's nothing you can't do."

"Love?" Ning Xin looks at Charlie suspiciously and says to him, "do you even know love? Charlie, you don't know what love is. " Ning Xin shakes her head. It is obvious that she no longer believes in Charlie's so-called love. , the fastest update of the webnovel!