"So it is..." As the police officer recorded, he looked at the middle-aged woman. She is really very bright and attractive, especially her low collar jacket, which makes people easily daydream. He did not dare to continue to read, for fear that his physical reaction would affect his judgment of the case. So he went on, "when did you find the body? What's the situation when you find a body? "

"Later, he pulled me behind the door of the men's room." The middle-aged woman went on, "just when I thought he was going to do something wrong to me, but I couldn't resist, what surprised me was that instead of insulting me, he released my hand. It's just that when I tried to get out of here in panic, I looked down and saw the body of the old Asian man lying behind the door on the ground

"What else did you see then?" Asked the officer.

"I also see I saw the body rolling its eyes and frothing in its mouth, and then I cried out in horror. And then, all of a sudden, it's full of people. Then the nurse came and tried to rescue him. Later, when the doctor arrived, he was judged dead. And he's been dead for more than an hour. " Said the middle-aged woman.

"Has been dead for more than an hour?" The officer seemed to be thinking something, and then he said to the crowd, "well In this more than an hour, no one found the body? No one has ever hurt the toilet in an hour and a half? " He looked at the crowd to see if anyone would come forward to answer his question.

Just then an old man came out of the crowd and slowly came to the officer and said, "officer, I went to the toilet ten minutes ago."

"Did you find the body?" Asked the officer.

"At that time, I came to the toilet for convenience. After the convenience, I found that there was a person behind the door, as if someone was lying there. But I didn't think so much about it. I didn't think it would be a dead person. I thought someone was lying there repairing the toilet door! So I didn't pay attention to it, so I went out directly from here. I didn't know that ten minutes later, it would be full of people here. Later, I learned that it was the dead people in the toilet The old man said seriously to the police officer.

"Do you have any clues?" Asked the officer.

"No, no more." The old man shook his head again and again, "now that I think about it, I was really scared at that time. I almost had to go behind the door to see what the man was doing. If I did, I would be scared to death. I am a heart attack! Fortunately, there are so many people here when I see this body! If I'm alone, I'm afraid I'll stay here a few more days

"Well." The police officer listened carefully while recording in detail. Then he said slowly, "has anyone else seen this? Have you seen anything earlier? Did anyone see or hear anything unusual in the men's room, or did you see someone bringing the old man to the men's room? "

Ning Xin has already sobbed, she watched the police officers block the scene, taking some photos of evidence collection, and then asked the people. All the answers made Ning Xin feel pain and regret. Every word of them deeply hurt Ning Xin's heart and Luo Xiwei's heart.

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