However, Ning Xin turns around in the same place, but still can't find where Luo Xiwei is. She anxiously looked around, but never found Luo Xiwei's figure.

"Sister Wei Wei!" Ning Xin's mouth slightly yelled, while running away from here, began to look around.

At this moment, Luo Xiwei is feeling confused. Her consciousness is not very clear, just feel that she is very sleepy, very tired, she feels her limbs weak, dizzy, she found herself lying in a closed room, and she seems to be standing next to a tall and powerful man! That person, Luo Xiwei could not see clearly whether it was the one meter nine big man she had seen before. She only felt that the man seemed to have a knife in his hand, burning slowly in the light of the fire.

Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that there was a breath in her chest, which held her back. She coughed uncontrollably at last, and then seemed to be more sober than before. However, she always felt that there was a smell in front of her nose that made her feel dizzy. It's OK that she doesn't cough. The rope around her body seems to be tighter than before. She tried to break free, tried to turn her hand, rubbed her hand, but nothing helped. She couldn't get rid of it. Luo Xiwei remembers what happened just now. After checking the body of Pu Zhentian, the moment the door was opened, Ning Xin ran to the door. It was at this time that Luo Xiwei suddenly felt a burst of suffocation. She found that she did not know when a piece of gauze with strong odor was pressed on her nose, which made her feel dizzy gradually. When she realized that this was someone behind her, it was too late! Her limbs are weak, she has no strength, the whole person is about to collapse down. After that, she remembered nothing until she woke up in this closed room.

At this time, the strong man finally moved the knife away from the flame. He slowly approached Luo Xiwei, holding the knife high in his hand, which made Luo Xiwei feel chilly.

As the strong man approached step by step, Luo Xiwei finally saw his face clearly! Yes, that strong man is the one she saw in the afternoon! If he took gauze to luoxiwei dizzy, and tied her here, then, park Zhentian's death is undoubtedly related to this strong man! Moreover, he approached her step by step with a knife. What was he going to do? Luo Xiwei couldn't help but stand up! She couldn't help being frightened. She widened her eyes and said to the strong man, "what are you going to do?" She couldn't help but move her body back on the ground. She was extremely afraid of the shining knife in her heart.

"What do you want? Hum The strong man sneered and said to Luo Xiwei, "in fact, I don't want to be like this. My goal is just park Zhentian, but I didn't expect that you would send the door by yourself. Now that you've seen my face, I'll have to kill it with you! On the way to huangquan, I don't think you will be too lonely. Park Zhentian happens to be with you. Don't blame me after you die. If you want to blame me, you are not lucky. Who told you to see my appearance this afternoon , the fastest update of the webnovel!