"Dead?" Luo Xiwei opened her eyes and asked nervously, "what have you done to him?"

"Park Min Ho was really captured by me." The big man said to Luo Xiwei, "you are going to die anyway. It's OK to tell you. Park Min Ho is OK now, but he has been hidden in a secret place by me. None of you can find him. Park Min Ho, a boy, doesn't know how to cultivate his fortune in his last life. He can find such a woman who cares about him in life and death! It's a pity that you are going to die. He has no luck to have you again in his life. Tut tut Even I can't help feeling sorry for park Min Ho! "

"Min Ho! Min Ho is there for you Luo Xiwei opened her eyes and her eyelashes flickered. Her small mouth pouted slightly and said to the strong man, "what do you want to do with him?"

The strong man looked up at the sky with a smile and said to Luo Xiwei, "little girl, you can't protect yourself. If you don't think about yourself, you still think about your boyfriend. You are really naive! I think you'd better not mind what I do to park Minho. You'd better worry about yourself! "

"Now that you have decided to kill me, it seems that I can't escape your palm." Luo Xiwei said to the strong man deeply, "since my end has been decided, I want to listen to the ending of others before I die. I also want to hear how you killed Pu Zhentian."

"Good!" The strong man suddenly came to be interested and said to Luo Xiwei, "in this remote location of the laboratory, no one will come in at ordinary times. Since you want to know, I'm not afraid that you deliberately delay time. I'll tell you. "

Luo Xiwei suddenly felt guilty again. The strong man could see through her mind all at once! However, she tried to be calm enough. Then she looked at the strong man quietly, waiting for his reply. As she pretended to listen to him, she thought about how to get out of here.

"I killed Pu Zhentian. I poisoned him with cyanogen potassium." When the big man said this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he even showed a trace of joy. "Don't be surprised how my cyanide potassium comes from, of course, it's stolen. I even dare to kill people. What's so terrible about stealing cyanide potassium? Just at noon, park Zhentian and I had lunch at the fast food restaurant at the gate of the hospital. While he was going to relieve his hands, I quietly mixed cyanidized potassium into his bowl. Then, when I got back to the hospital, I originally wanted to use the opportunity of going to the toilet to give him some catalyst for his death. I wanted to lure him to the toilet, and then covered his nose and mouth in the toilet to suffocate him, creating the illusion of non poisoning death. But I really didn't expect that when I went to the toilet with Park Zhentian, he had already walked to the door, and suddenly said that he was really worried about Park minhao, so he would not go to the toilet and let me go alone. He waited for me at the door of the toilet. So I had to helplessly watch Park Zhentian escape from my palm. Later, I found him chatting with you in his ward! I was really in a bad mood at that time. I knew that he would be poisoned soon. I didn't want him to be seen and treated in time. I hoped that he would die quietly. In this way, I have no suspicion. "

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