"Come on! Get the gauze Seeing this, one of the doctors immediately said in a panic, "and stretchers!"

"Gauze!" A nurse was holding a large roll of gauze in her hand. Originally, she was going to change it for a patient. Unexpectedly, it came into use at this time! Seeing the blood on Park Min Ho's body constantly flowing out, she said to the doctor with some worry, "I'm afraid that so much blood has been shed, and I'm afraid There's a good chance it won't work? "

"Don't talk nonsense!" The doctor scolded, "are you your first day as a nurse? Don't know about this? How can we judge the patient's condition by guessing casually? He has not been diagnosed and his body has not been examined. How can we make a conclusion casually? " The middle-aged doctor looked so calm and serious that it was frightening! However, Luo Xiwei's heart sank suddenly after listening to the nurse's words. She was really afraid that what she said would come true and park minhao would die here. She looked at the doctor anxiously, grasped his hand tightly, and said to him, "doctor, is what she said true? Is it really possible that he will not survive? "

"Didn't I just say that? It has not been diagnosed and the patient's body has not been examined accurately. We can't make a conclusion arbitrarily. " The doctor said to Luo Xiwei very calmly, while staring at the nurse who had said the wrong thing just now, and said to her, "please don't make people so nervous by talking nonsense."

The nurse secretly looked at the doctor and said to him with shame, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to Besides, I didn't expect her to understand our conversation. I don't think the Chinese can understand our American language... "

"Just you can!" The doctor piled up this sentence and glared at the nurse and said, "here comes the stretcher. Do me a favor!" With that, he immediately stood up and helped everyone to carry Park Min Ho onto the stretcher.

Park Min Ho was taken to the emergency operating room. Luo Xiwei has been following to the door of the operating room, and finally refused in the door. She can only helplessly watch Park Min Ho be pushed in like this, and then, what she faces is a long wait.

While waiting, Luo Xiwei calls the police. She is very eager to tell them that the big man she saw before is the murderer who killed Park Zhentian. He has already admitted it! Moreover, he also stabbed Park Min Ho, who is now in the process of rescue. His original purpose did not seem to be to kill Park Min Ho. He just kidnapped Park Min Ho and left him in the mortuary of the hospital. After killing Pu Zhentian, the strong man captured her and tried to kill her. Later, park Min Ho arrived in time to save her life. Otherwise, by now she has gone to see Park Zhentian. She told them that the strong man's account number may have increased by 10 million, which may also be an important clue. In addition, there seems to be surveillance in some corridors of the hospital. Maybe we can find him through monitoring.

The other side wrote down one by one, and told Luo Xiwei that they would try their best to investigate. Thank her very much for the information she provided. They would certainly arrest the suspect.

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