"Don't be nervous. It's OK." The doctor saw that Luo Xiwei was crying so bitterly that he was scared. "It doesn't matter. As long as he meets the right blood, Mr. park will be saved. By the way, didn't a girl go downstairs to have a blood test just now? You call her and ask her to come right away. Maybe her blood can match. "

"Good! "Luo Xiwei sobbed and tried to control her tears. She was vaguely looking for her mobile phone in her pocket, and her heart was shaking all the time.

"Ning Xin! Ningxin! Your blood must be matched successfully Luo Xiwei said to herself while holding a mobile phone. She quickly got through to Ning Xin's phone, and then she answered in anticipation.

"Sister Weiwei..." Ningxin's voice seems to be a little hoarse, obviously just cried.

"Ning Xin, where are you? Is the blood match successful? " Luo Xiwei asked anxiously.

"Sister Wei Wei, the result has not come out yet." Ningxin said to Luo Xiwei, "but it will come out soon. The nurse has already called me. Sister Wei Wei, I'll go to see the results first. I'll be right here in a moment Ningxin said, immediately hung up the phone, immediately toward the direction of the nurse ran away.

"Nurse, how's my test list?" Ning Xin asked the nurse nervously.

"What's your name?" The nurse asked Ning Xin.

"Park Yunmin." Ning Xin looked at the nurse seriously and said to the nurse, "what's the result? Do I match Park Min Ho's blood type? "

"This is the test result." The nurse handed Ningxin a test report and said to Luo Xiwei.

Ning Xin glared at the inspection report, can't believe his eyes!

"What?" Ning Xin couldn't help being stunned! Looking at the result on the inspection report, Ning Xin couldn't believe that he had such a relationship with Park minhao! She never knew that she was so scared that her report sheet fell to the ground. She stood there in a daze, at a loss.

"Are you all right, Ms. park?" The nurse sees Ning Xin so, comfort way.

"Nurse, is there a mistake? Or Or Check it again! " While talking to the nurse, Ning Xin rolled up her sleeve, stretched out her arm as white as snow lotus, and said to the nurse, "you draw my blood! Please draw my blood and test it again! "

"Don't be so excited, Miss park." The nurse comforted, "the result of our hospital examination is absolutely not wrong. You can rest assured that there is no need to recheck at all."

Ning Xin ran away in terror. She ran to park Min Ho's ward angrily and quickly! At the sight of Luo Xiwei, who had already stopped blood transfusion, Ning Xin's tears poured out wantonly!

Luo Xiwei saw that Ning Xin was crying so bitterly that she was scared out of her wits! She quickly went to Ningxin and said to her, "what's the matter with you, Ningxin? What's the result? Is it... " Although Luo Xiwei can guess most of them with Ning Xin's face, she still can't bear to say that. She can't bear to beat herself like this, and she can't bear to give Ning Xin another blow. She choked and suddenly became speechless. She just couldn't hold Ning Xin in her arms, and the two cried again.

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