"Well!" Luo Xiwei nodded. She looked at the way Ning Xin cared so much about Park Min Ho that she felt very uncomfortable. She clearly knows that Ningxin to park minhao is a girl's concern for her brother. She clearly knows that she should not be so stingy.. However, she was still stingy. However, Luo Xiwei was glad that Ning Xin didn't understand all this. Luo Xiwei thought carefully. She knew that she thought too much. No matter what kind of feelings Park Min Ho had for Ning Xin, Ning Xin had no other ideas about Park Min Ho. What's more, it's only today that Ning Xin knows that she and park minhao are not brothers and sisters.

Luo Xiwei gradually approached Park Min Ho. Together with Ning Xin, she wiped and rubbed Park Min Ho's hands. As they took turns massaging Park Min Ho's palm, the lump on his hand was finally smaller than before. Although Park Min Ho has been in a coma, but this has been the two people at this time the biggest gratification. What they want to see most at the moment is that park Min Ho can gradually get better and better, even if such a change is very small.

Luo Xiwei and Ning Xin looked at the swelling hand of Park minhao, and looked at each other with a smile. However, in their hearts, only they know that such a smile, in fact, is just a bitter smile, is a kind of comfort to themselves in the difficult and adverse circumstances.

The doctor came in again. He looked at Luo Xiwei, who was carefully rubbing his hands for park Min Ho, and said to them, "has the patient's family been informed?"

"Notice." Ning Xin immediately stood up and said to the doctor, "they're on their way. I think they're coming."

"Good." The doctor looked at PU minhao's condition. Seeing that he had no sign of waking up, the doctor said to Ning Xin, "don't stop massaging. In this way, the patient can feel the contact on his body, and his brain waves will respond. In this way, it will be good for his wake-up and future recovery."

"Well!" Ning Xin looked at the doctor calmly and said, "but we will. Thank you, doctor

"When patients' families come to the hospital, the first thing they remember is to take them downstairs for blood type matching. If the blood type is right, I think Mr. park will soon be able to have a blood transfusion and wake up. " Said the doctor.

"Then if I mean, if What if the blood type doesn't match? " Ningxin said with some trepidation. However, as if suddenly aware of something, she quickly slapped her mouth and said to herself, "I'm calling you bullshit! Call you crow mouth! Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

"Ms. park." The doctor said to Ning Xin, "you don't have to worry too much. Our American medicine is very developed. If the blood types of the family members can't match, it doesn't mean that Mr. park has no salvation at all. In this 24 hours, if you input the blood matching Mr. park's blood type, and there are no complications, Mr. park can be saved. Of course, we have also made other preparations. We have sent the message here to the Internet, and we are sending an invitation to all Asian people in the United States. We hope that they can take the initiative to come to the hospital to do a blood type matching experiment with Mr. Park minhao, hoping that they can take the initiative to blood and become volunteers. Therefore, if the blood type of the patient's family members is not suitable, I think there will be good Chinese people willing to help you

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