When Ning Xin got the report, she was almost scared to cry! She seemed to suddenly feel that park Min Ho's life was so heavy. Even before the doctor said that there are other treatments, Ning Xin still felt depressed!

That's not the best solution after all! Ning Xin knows very deeply that if this is the best solution, doctors will never wait for the right blood source! Maybe, maybe other methods will have risks! The more she thinks about it, the more flustered she feels. Everything about Park Min Ho makes Ning Xin feel especially worried!

"How are you, baby?" Shen Huilan's eyes are almost impenetrable. She keeps her eyes on Ning Xin and reaches out to get the report form in her hand! However, Ning Xin stood there motionless, as if afraid to be seen by her list. Although she did not move, Shen Huilan could see that Ning Xin was resistant to her desire to see the list! Looking at Ning Xin's frightened and helpless eyes, Shen Huilan's heart has probably reached a conclusion. She looked at Ning Xin solemnly and said to her in a sharp voice, "give it to me!"

"Mom..." Ning Xin still stood there motionless, but her hands were very hesitant. She is still afraid to give Shen Huilan the list.

"Give it to me!" Shen Huilan glared at Ningxin angrily, and said to Ning Xin, "min'er, you are not willing to give me the list, I have already guessed the result. My blood doesn't save Minho, does it? " Shen Huilan said as she looked at Ning Xin with a pair of eager and helpless eyes. That kind of eyes, almost all let Ning Xin feel heartbroken!

"Mom..." Ningxin's eyes are wet, and tears will fall out of her eyes! She slowly handed Shen Huilan her hand with the list. Now that Shen Huilan has guessed the result, Ning Xin has to hand her the list. What's more, she couldn't bear to watch Shen Huilan look so worried. If she didn't show her the list, Ning Xin knew that maybe Shen Huilan would be more worried! So, Ning Xin made up her mind to be ruthless.

When Shen Huilan received the list, she almost fainted! Her eyes stayed on the list for a long time, and her tears were always in their eyes, but they did not fall down. She kept shaking her head and couldn't believe it: "impossible! unable! My son Min Ho, why is his life so miserable! He can't be saved! unable! Min Ho will be OK! No way Shen Huilan almost tore heart and lung crack to howl, almost to faint in the past!

"Mother! Mother As she cried, Ning Xin began to comfort Shen Huilan. Although Ningxin's heart is also like a knife cut general pain, but she had to persuade herself to calm down! No one in her family is allowed to cry! If Shen Huilan was the one who broke down and cried bitterly, Ning Xin thought that she would have to calm down and restrain her inner sadness and think about what to do next! It's not that she doesn't feel sorry for park Minho, but at such a critical moment, the fact can't bear her sorrow, and she must be made to think calmly and solve problems! At the moment, she must be a calm thinker and wise decision-maker, and she must shoulder the responsibility of saving this family member as much as possible!

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