"Luo Xiwei. I heard that you have always been a very honest child. " Shen Huilan first set a routine for Luo Xiwei. Then she said with a smile, "you and min'er are good friends. You must know something about her and Charlie, right? Tell the godmother where the relationship between min'er and Charlie is going. "

"Godmother This... " Luo Xiwei looks at Ning Xin and Shen Huilan hesitantly. She really doesn't know what to say.

"Luo Xiwei, don't look at min'er." Shen Huilan said to Luo Xiwei, "don't look at her. What do you know? Just tell me the truth. If you obey Ning Xin's face, aren't you deceiving your mother? "

"I..." Luo Xiwei hesitated to look at Shen Huilan, and was afraid to speak. She suddenly felt embarrassed. Whether telling Shen Huilan the truth, betraying Ning Xin, or keeping secrets for Ning Xin and lying to Shen Huilan, Luo Xiwei will feel deeply guilty. She doesn't want to cheat anyone! But in the face of the scene at this moment, she seems to have to lie to at least one of them. Either cheat Shen Huilan, or I'm sorry for Ning Xin! However, Luo Xiwei thought for a long time, but still couldn't come up with a plan for both sides, which made Luo Xiwei feel very embarrassed.

"Mom!" Seeing Luo Xiwei's embarrassment, Ningxin said to Shen Huilan, "don't embarrass sister Weiwei any more. She doesn't know anything!"

"Is it?" Shen Huilan looked at the honest expression on Luo Xiwei's face and laughed silently. Luo Xiwei seems so indecisive, which makes Shen Huilan make up her mind. She thinks that Luo Xiwei knows about Ning Xin and Charlie, and how far they have developed! So, Shen Huilan said to Ning Xin, "I think Luo Xiwei not only knows the relationship between you and Charlie, but also knows how far you have developed? Luo Xiwei, you are a good boy. You will not cheat your aunt, will you? " Shen Huilan turned her eyes to Luo Xiwei and said to Luo Xiwei.

Shen Huilan subconsciously calls herself "Auntie". Obviously, in Shen Huilan's heart, she has never really recognized Luo Xiwei as a dry daughter. However, Luo Xiwei, whose mind was not so meticulous, did not realize this at all. Even, she did not find that Shen Huilan had changed her self appellation unconsciously! She is still heartless, wooden Leng Leng ground pestle there, do not know what to do. She couldn't answer Shen Huilan's question for a long time. Her lips moved slowly, as if the answer was about to come out.

"Mother! Don't embarrass sister Weiwei any more Ning Xin exclaimed. She looked at Shen Huilan with some uneasiness, and said to Shen Huilan nervously. Now that she had done it, she thought, she should admit it. What's more, she can't bear to look at Luo Xiwei so embarrassed. So, Ning Xin strengthened her courage and said to Shen Huilan. "Since you want to know, I'll tell you! Sister Weiwei is a good person. I know that she doesn't want to betray me or cheat you. So, instead of getting the answer from her, let me tell you! "

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